Bush administration so far refusing to investigate US corruption in Iraq


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999

The firm double-billed for salaries and repainted the Iraqi Airways forklifts they found at Baghdad airport?which Custer Battles was contracted to secure?then leased them back to the U.S. government, the complaint says. In the fall of 2004, Deputy General Counsel Steven Shaw of the Air Force asked that the firm be banned from future U.S. contracts, saying Custer Battles had also "created sham companies, whereby [it] fraudulently increased profits by inflating its claimed costs." An Army inspector general, Col. Richard Ballard, concluded as early as November 2003 that the security outfit was incompetent and refused to obey Joint Task Force 7 orders: "What we saw horrified us," Ballard wrote to his superiors in an e-mail obtained by NEWSWEEK.

Why hasn't the administration joined the case? It has argued privately that the occupation government, known as the Coalition Provisional Authority, was a multinational institution, not an arm of the U.S. government. So the U.S. government was not technically defrauded. Lawyers for the whistle-blowers point out, however, that President George W. Bush signed a 2003 law authorizing $18.7 billion to go to U.S. authorities in Iraq, including the CPA, "as an entity of the United States government." And several contracts with Custer Battles refer to the other party as "the United States of America."

The Bush administration and Alberto Gonzales are making the claim that the CPA is not part of the US government, therefore any corrupt American contractors will ultimately be answerable to no one because there is no court that could try them.

Good things in Iraq belong to Bush, and the burden for all the bad things belong to the American people, it's our taxpayer money being stolen there and the Republicans want absolutely nothing to do with it. Thank you!


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Passions
Corruption in Iraq!!! NO WAY DUDE!

Did you read a sentence in my post? NO WAY DUDE!

My post is about why Bush won't lift a finger to try to indict any of the corrupt individuals trying to defraud our government, using some jacka$$ excuse.



Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Bush's regime again displays its arrogance and failure to accept responsibility for its actions.

this will be the path to its downfall, and what is giving the United States a bad name in the World.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Well they're spending that $1 billion a week somehow.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Why would you think that GWB would suddenly start worrying about the taxpayer dollars now? Why would you expect him to do anything about any of the problems in Iraq all of a sudden. He seems to refuse to even acknowledge that there are any problems except for some pesky insurgents that are always on the run anyway.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
i wonder how much faster we can shovel tax money out the door?

we have many problems at home either SS (future), or the ever looking medicare funding, extreme poverty among minorities in inner cities/ the south, and yet we are occupying 2 countries. when is enough, enough?

what happened to transparency, honesty, and corporation actually helping america, this just hurts out efforts in these areas to rebuild? Both parties should be outraged at this and demand a congressional investigation into all the current contracted work?

stop standing behind an administration that allows this!


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
i wonder how much faster we can shovel tax money out the door?

I'm not sure, but these big government Republicans have plenty of ideas up their sleaves. Of course war is expensive but that's not stoppign them from proposing small legislation too that interferes with family rights and to stop liberal profesors in Florida. Nothing is off limits for them! The government should get involved as long as it involves pushing bizarro morality on people or blowing things up.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
i like lewis black's description of the two party system

democrats are the party of no ideas

republicans are the party of bad ideas

its pretty fitting (and sad)

i really wish the independent party would expand and take the best parts of each party and combine them (there are good parts to each, even though they are sometimes not seen)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Yet another example of the blatant corruption that this administration exudes.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Is anyone sursprised by this? It's been clear for several years now that Bush's administration is among the most corrupt, nepotistic and dangerous regimes among the developed nations.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: fornax
Is anyone sursprised by this? It's been clear for several years now that Bush's administration is among the most corrupt, nepotistic and dangerous regimes among the developed nations.

Nobody is surprised. There are those of us that know this to be the case and those that will never evar believe (just like they still think there are WMDs).


Nov 11, 1999
Why would the Admin investigate corruption, anyway?

Get a clue- they sponsor corruption, fer crissakes.

The "rebuilding" of Iraq is easily the most outrageous porkbarrel of the modern era, following along the lines of trickledown economics- the guys at the top get fat, the guys at the bottom, in this case, the Iraqis, get crumbs... $160B spent so far, and Iraqis don't have dependable electricity, or water, or sanitation, or jobs... or a lot of things...

That's ~$8000 for every man, woman and child in Iraq, where the percapita income is less than $800/yr. If they'd known we were willing to spend that kind of money, they'd have sent Saddam's head on a plate Fedex overnite straight to the Whitehouse....

Oh, yeh, imported truck drivers are paid upwards of $100K/yr, apparently.... just think what their bosses are getting...


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Why would the Admin investigate corruption, anyway?

Get a clue- they sponsor corruption, fer crissakes.

The "rebuilding" of Iraq is easily the most outrageous porkbarrel of the modern era, following along the lines of trickledown economics- the guys at the top get fat, the guys at the bottom, in this case, the Iraqis, get crumbs... $160B spent so far, and Iraqis don't have dependable electricity, or water, or sanitation, or jobs... or a lot of things...

That's ~$8000 for every man, woman and child in Iraq, where the percapita income is less than $800/yr. If they'd known we were willing to spend that kind of money, they'd have sent Saddam's head on a plate Fedex overnite straight to the Whitehouse....

Oh, yeh, imported truck drivers are paid upwards of $100K/yr, apparently.... just think what their bosses are getting...

BRAVO! Well said, my friend!