Around a month ago, my computer was getting random bsods and made weird noises. I ran memtest86 and found a bunch of errors, so I thought it was the ram and replaced it. Before I received the new ram, i formatted a bunch of times and each time I did it, I would get the same set of errors and random blue screens. Additionally, I'd have trouble installing Windows and would essentially have a 1 in 10 chance of successfully installing(so i'd have to keep doing it until it was successful).
I'd like to mention that right before I received my new RAM, I opened up my case and saw a thick layer of dust resting on the heatsink of my cpu below the fan. I cleared this and found that my problems drastically decreased. I was now able to play games without fatal erroring and wouldn't blue screen anymore.
When I received my new RAM with Vista, I formatted again and everything ran smoothly for the first 2 or 3 weeks. Fast forward to now, and I am blue screening all over the place with PFN_CORRUPT, win32k or other random blue screen messages. In addition, the sound is very choppy and I can even get IRQ blue screens when I watch movies. I even uninstalled the sound card drivers and the sound is still choppy. I will lock up randomly and fatal error in games. Basically, all the problems I had before have returned.
Many have suggested that this might be a power supply issue. What are your thoughts? I'm not sure if the sound being choppy might have to do with the power supply. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I'd like to mention that right before I received my new RAM, I opened up my case and saw a thick layer of dust resting on the heatsink of my cpu below the fan. I cleared this and found that my problems drastically decreased. I was now able to play games without fatal erroring and wouldn't blue screen anymore.
When I received my new RAM with Vista, I formatted again and everything ran smoothly for the first 2 or 3 weeks. Fast forward to now, and I am blue screening all over the place with PFN_CORRUPT, win32k or other random blue screen messages. In addition, the sound is very choppy and I can even get IRQ blue screens when I watch movies. I even uninstalled the sound card drivers and the sound is still choppy. I will lock up randomly and fatal error in games. Basically, all the problems I had before have returned.
Many have suggested that this might be a power supply issue. What are your thoughts? I'm not sure if the sound being choppy might have to do with the power supply. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks