Building new PC... need suggestions

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Junior Member
Feb 19, 2013
Ok, not sure if this is the right forum or not but here goes.

It's been 6 years since I built a computer. I have spent the last two weeks reading up on the AMD vs Intel CPU race, hard drive technology, etc... I have yet to decipher it all because there is so much information and so few hours in a day (after work) to read it all and make a good decision.

My current gaming pc I built is: Intel Core 2 Duo - E6550, 2.33GHz (no hyperthreading) Ram: 2GB DDR2, Mainboard is: Gigabyte P35C-DS3R 333Mhz, ATI Radeon HD3800 graphics.

My computer useage: light gamer, light AutoCAD work, normal use.

I am wanting a quad core and am leaning toward an i5. What is the best value/performance in i5 cpu and motherboard I should look for?

Appreciate any suggestions you may have.



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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Welcome to the forum :)

Cases and cooling section is somewhat of a ghost town so it's not the best or correct place to ask your specific question.

Saying that your best option is purchasing a K series chip and a z77 motherboard.

If your one of the lucky ones you'll live close to a microcenter! Maybe check and see. They have the 3570k for a great price and with purchase of a motherboard also you get a $50 off credit.

If no microcenter near you where will you be shopping?
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