Im going to be going to a haswell system when they are available. I will go with either a unlocked i5 or whatever they are called CPU and overclock it to the max.
What my issue is i dont know what to do with my GPU's, i was hoping that the next gen would be out by the time i upgrade but thats not looking like its going to be the case.
So should i keep my current OC SLI 460's or upgrade?
Budget would be $300-400, it doesnt seem like i can get a good upgrade over what i currently have for that price which i find very hard to believe because thats what i paid for both my 460's 2 years ago. So it looks like in 2 years tech has not advancced at all.
So what would AT do? keep or upgrade and if upgrade to what?
I want to start researching this now so i can find out which cards have good power phases and OC ability and whatnot.
What my issue is i dont know what to do with my GPU's, i was hoping that the next gen would be out by the time i upgrade but thats not looking like its going to be the case.
So should i keep my current OC SLI 460's or upgrade?
Budget would be $300-400, it doesnt seem like i can get a good upgrade over what i currently have for that price which i find very hard to believe because thats what i paid for both my 460's 2 years ago. So it looks like in 2 years tech has not advancced at all.
So what would AT do? keep or upgrade and if upgrade to what?
I want to start researching this now so i can find out which cards have good power phases and OC ability and whatnot.