build my comp [sig]
-i also have monsoon mm-700 flat panel speakers. they're good speakers but i think i should've went w/ the klipsch [$200-250] or cambridge soundworks fps2000 [$100].
-go for the 45gb ibm [$150]
-the reason i have the creative annihilator2 is because it was $186, cheapest name branded geforce 2 card at the time. i dunno what good geforce2 pro video cards are good but if you wanna save some money, go w/ the elsa gladiac's fro around $160 or so.
-go get the 1.2ghz for around 260 or less
-get the tdk 12x/10x/32x or wait for the 16x's drop in price [has burnproof]
-get the microsoft intellimouse's a great mouse
-my system w/out monitor and speakers was about $1300