Building Digital painting / video editing system – suggestions welcomed!


Junior Member
Mar 7, 2013

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to put together a system mainly for digital painting in photoshop. I'd also like to preserve expandability for moderate to heavy video editing in the near-future, and would prefer to keep the form factor small and mobile.

I'm unsure about overclocking. If yes, I would go with the i5-3570K and ASUS P8Z77-M PRO, a cpu-cooler and maybe an additional fan for the case. Otherwise I would stay with the standard i5-3570 and the H-version of the motherboard. What do you guys think?

My list, so far:

  • CPU : Core i5 I5-3570K 6 MB.

  • Motherboard: ASUS P8Z77-M PRO (micro-ATX).

  • HDD : WD Red WD20EFRX 2 TB and Kingston SSDNow V200 64 GB for OS.

  • RAM : Kingston HyperX blu Red Series 2 x 8 GB.

  • GPU : none, but will probably add an NVIDIA card later, maybe a GTX 570 or a small Quadro.

  • Case : Silverstone Temjin TJ08-E.

  • PSU : XFX Core Edition PRO650W.

  • CPU cooling : Intel stock or Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.

  • OS : Win 8 Pro OEM / Linux

It adds up to about $800, based prices. Being in Europe I'd need to pay slightly more than $900.
The PSU wattage is an open question. Assuming I will eventually have 3 HDDs, a GPU and an overclocked CPU, most web-calculators tell me I need about 650-700W

I'd greatly your appreciate your input as I don't have a much experience building systems. Do I have the wrong parts, does anything stand out as overkill or am I cutting corners in the wrong places?

Look forward to hearing your suggestions!



Senior member
Oct 8, 2011
Better choices for an SSD.
I personally have a 256 Sansung for the OS but, also have another SSD just for caching Photoshop.
The 2 TB is fine for storage but, I personally would get two 1 TB and use one for just photo backup's. The other for system storage and system backup's.
I also backup to a NAS with all my photo's. This may be overkill but I deleted a folder once that I should not have. This led to a recovery procedure I wish not to ever have to do again.