ok first off my buget ~$650 give or take $50. this comp needs to be able to do everything high school freshmen needs. but i want it to be upgradeable and stable. it also needs to last her high school career here is waht i was thinking. i wont be ordering for probly 3 months. these are my guestmates on prices and my build waht do you think?
a64 3000 ~120
epox nf4u ~90
80gb seagate ~60
antec case and psu ~70
2*512 corsair value ~130
6600gt ~100 she does like to play games occaionally
nec3540 ~40
logtech keybaord/mouse comobo ~15
speakers 2.0 ~25
waht do you think? thanks for you sugestions
a64 3000 ~120
epox nf4u ~90
80gb seagate ~60
antec case and psu ~70
2*512 corsair value ~130
6600gt ~100 she does like to play games occaionally
nec3540 ~40
logtech keybaord/mouse comobo ~15
speakers 2.0 ~25
waht do you think? thanks for you sugestions