I need to put together a system for a person. His needs are simple. All that will be done is chatting, browsing the internet, hotmail, and heavy heavy itunes use. I'm a gamer and am so used to looking at the high end parts, I don't know where to start looking for parts that would fit this bill. I don't know what kinda of processor speed I should shoot for. I was thinking Intel Celeron D. I was also thinking mobo audio and video, but don't really know which built in audio and video options are the best. I guess the most important thing is sound, but I think that an onboard audio would be just fine. There isn't going to be any gaming, so wouldn't onboard audio be sufficient?
Any suggestions?
For gaming, there is sharkyextreme's Buyer's Guides. However, even the value buyer's guide is a little bit too high end. Know any other resources that suggest good components for a decent workstation? Thx
Any suggestions?
For gaming, there is sharkyextreme's Buyer's Guides. However, even the value buyer's guide is a little bit too high end. Know any other resources that suggest good components for a decent workstation? Thx