Hey guys, got referred here by a friend, I'm trying to byuld a gaming, graphics computer, and i was gonna go(good GFX card and all, but he said it would be smarter to et an SSD and an okay graphics card...just wondering if you guys could give me links to parts i would need for a great gaming/graphics compy. i have around 900 dollars...and i don't need a case, nor a power supply
1. Im gonna use it for gaming and graphic design, only photoshop
2. my budget is around $900, less would be nice
3. America, IL
4. I just enjoy good product, the brand doesn't matter at all. I trust you guys
5. I have no current parts, just gonna get a case from a friend
6. i have not searched much
7. I have no idea how to overclock, but i have heard the increase can be 17%, which is amazing
8. i plan to game with the resolution that best fits my screen, 22" viewsonic
1. Im gonna use it for gaming and graphic design, only photoshop
2. my budget is around $900, less would be nice
3. America, IL
4. I just enjoy good product, the brand doesn't matter at all. I trust you guys
5. I have no current parts, just gonna get a case from a friend
6. i have not searched much
7. I have no idea how to overclock, but i have heard the increase can be 17%, which is amazing
8. i plan to game with the resolution that best fits my screen, 22" viewsonic
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