Build up a DVD Collection?


Golden Member
May 25, 2003
Why do that when you can just download them all for free from your favorite legal online service?


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Rage187
now would be pointless since the format is changing.

It depends.... what type of monitor are you going to use to watch them?
Does you monitor have an HDMI input?
Also, how much you are willing to spend?

HD-DVD Players will cost at LEAST $500 - $1500 when they hit market
Blu-Ray Players will cost at LEAST the same as HD-DVD Players
HD-DVD and Blu-ray movies will cost 50% more than a DVD on average

Also, even if you own an HDTV... if it does not have HDMI than forget about HD-DVD and Blu-Ray unless your willing to drop some serious cash for a monitor upgrade since HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players will require them in order to watch full-resolution High Definition.

If your HDTV does not have an HDMI input... than those fancy smancy HD-DVD's and Blu-Ray discs will be downsampled to EDTV resolutions no higher than 960x540! :( sux....

So.... take all this into consideration on deciding on whether or not you should start a DVD collection.

Another thing... not all movies that have already been released on DVD will be reissued and put out on HD-DVD/Bluray. Even old movies and TV shows that have been released on DVD won't really get any noticeable difference if they were transferred to HD-DVD's/Bluray discs unless they are re-mastered.


Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2004
Originally posted by: intogamer
Originally posted by: Rage187
now would be pointless since the format is changing.

good answer but then DVD prices will drop down

Would you want to have a collection of VHS tapes right now? That's the situation you'll be in in some years if you build up a dvd collection.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: clickynext
Originally posted by: intogamer
Originally posted by: Rage187
now would be pointless since the format is changing.

good answer but then DVD prices will drop down

Would you want to have a collection of VHS tapes right now? That's the situation you'll be in in some years if you build up a dvd collection.

Not necessarily. Will the Blu-Ray and/or HD-DVD players be backward compatible with the current dvd format? If so, dvds may well be "good enough". Remember that going from VHS to DVD was huge in terms of benefit: Better picture quality and sound, along with extra features and the non-sequential means of accessing the content (think CDs vs cassette tapes).

What do the new formats have to offer? Better picture + more DRM? That'll be just great on my 5 year old TV.


Apr 23, 2000
I no longer buy DVD's. Waste of money. I just rent them when I want to see them.