Britains Asylum seeker probs etc


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
The situatuib is just getting out of hand...we are letting everybody and anybody into this country. I personally think we should take no more....we have enough troubles.

And as for general immigrants....if they are gonna come over here and work hard like many native brits then I have no problems with many of our doctors etc and non-whites and I think it's good.

But I see no reason why anyone coming to the UK should get any different treatment to anybody else here, no extra money, no free houses, no special ethnic consents, if you go to leave in a country you should expect to have to adjust to the way of life and culture there...if you want to practice your own religious beliefs and culutral diversity in your own home....fair enough!!

But the UK government is giving out free houses, funding, building special places of worship for immigrants when so many of our own people are cold and homeless on the street.

Am I wrong in thinking that our own peoples problems should come first before giving handouts to others?


Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Hello "Europe = we save the world" same (prolly worse because of more) problem here especially if u look at the education distribution of the ppl we keep letting in and feed. Seems like the less education and the less u speak the language the more welcome u are :-(

well, well but what can we do - every attempt at limiting the stream or even worse regulating the quality, is labeling you a Nazi, so there is no chance


Senior member
Mar 18, 2000
The situation is getting ridiculous in UK now - see this story for an example

The family had applied for asylum repeatedly in Germany which had been repeatedly denied as there was no justification for their claim. They then decided that they might have a better chance coming to England - probably true with the government we have now. Their application was again turned down, they were detained as illegal immigrants (amidst the usual do-gooder protests). Now they are deported back to Germany who have agreed to look at their case again, so the UK lawyers come in to mount an appeal for them.

According to international law, anyone seeking asylum must do so in the first country they reach that is generally considered safe - I would think Germany counts!


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Britain, from what I've seen, has the most liberal(open) immigration and Free Speech(in some aspects anyway) laws in the world. Even the US isn't as liberal(open). In a way, I'd wish that Britain wouldn't change their laws, but if it is becoming a real problem, have at it.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
TheCorm, Britain seems to want to create an invalid right: the right to another's possessions. In the minds of the British liberal elite illegal immigrants are entitled to all government services. They are also entitled to citizen's property.

I believe this because of your government's policies on crime. They have taken your right to defend your life and your property away from you. Say someone trespasses on your farm, breaks into your house and tries to steal your stuff. If you do any harm to that criminal tresspasser, you get proscecuted, you go to jail, you get sued, while the criminal gets free government aid. Of course government officials get paid protection.
Am I wrong in thinking that our own peoples problems should come first before giving handouts to others?
Not at all especially since all of what they're doing can only be possible because of you.

This is what happens when government grows far out of its intended scope..


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Well I'm for all open boarders no passbooks etc.. I think this is the primary reason France did'nt join in the Iraq fray because they have a 10% muslim popluation an it would have been politically very unpopular.... more diverse we get the less willing we are to attack someone we know.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
It seems lately we are in the business of creating the ideal environment throughout the world. In time the issue will become moot.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
"Provider of Ducks for the MoonBeam Duck test... "

Hey whats that all about? :)


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
"Provider of Ducks for the MoonBeam Duck test... "

Hey whats that all about? :)

Awhile back the four horsemen of the triad of incomprehensible cogent mandates indicated that I was nothing but a Moonbeam want to be... as if I was that intelligent and possessed of Moonbeamable insight... any how, I guess because I changed my name to LunarRay and perhaps because I agree with Moonbeam and disagree with their notion of reality on most subjects, they pronounced as they did. As a result of their conclusion and diatribe and because I felt the level of attainment and enlightenment attaching to me would be symbolically shown by my choice to carry the bag of Ducks with which Moonbeam may seek to use in analogy or inferred proof of a point or theory.



Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
Yeah some of our government policies really suck recently...hey can we give up opur government and become the 51st US State? (51st....or is there one already?)....we shall be called Cormifornia.

Yeah the way people who are defending their home and families can now be prosecuted is just damn stupid, I was reading an article where I was thinking that the burgular was going to be able to sue but he couldn' was where he broke in and impailed himself on his testicles while trying to escape. :D

well, well but what can we do - every attempt at limiting the stream or even worse regulating the quality, is labeling you a Nazi, so there is no chance

The British Nationalist party recognise the problems associated with letting in too many immigrants and asylum seekers and speak out...and are labelled fascists and nazi's....

I really think this is not a case of racism but would be nice to live under a world government...but we don't, we each have our own country and our own problems....but in a particular's own population should be given to priority....which we aren't here...we are given top priority on paying taxes...but lowest when it comes to income support.