I can understand the idea that video games, especially first person shooters, are going to increase someone's ability with guns. I've never fired a gun. I couldn't field-strip a weapon or put one back together. But I know some basic principles from playing games like Counter-Strike and Battlefield. I know how to drop a magazine, load another one and cock a weapon. I know that I need to scope down the sights of the gun if I want to hit anything. I know that I should fire in controlled bursts rather than going full-auto and having the recoil buck everywhere. If my only knowledge of guns came from watching action movies or television, I don't know that I'd be able to handle a gun effectively at all. Video games have given me a (presumably false) sense that I know how to wield a gun with at least some effectiveness. Obviously the real world is a completely different scenario, but video games do lay the groundwork for basic use of a firearm, and that can be the difference between the psycho who sprays an area with a submachinegun and hits no one and the psycho who carefully picks his targets and takes them down with precision.