I hope this is the right place to brag & moan about "Black Friday" deals.
I just got back, didn't get any really high-ticket items, didn't have too much spare cash to play with. But I did score what I think is a decent deal at CompUSSR. They had an advertised in-store special of three (3) 30-packs of CD-Rs, for approx. $8, and best of all, NO REBATE CRAP to deal with.
My local store had an assortment of Memorex 30-pack spindles that they had put out on display, the stickered price was $9.99 each, but with the sale discount, they rang up as $2.65 each. So $8, for 90 CD-Rs, NO REBATE, that seemed like a deal.
So much so, in fact, that I went back in the store several times, went to a few other stores, and then went back, silently hoping that they would have run out of the Memorex discs, and that I could perhaps sweet-talk them into substituing the 30-pack spindles of ("Made in Japan") Fujis. (Especially since the shelf tag, although mentioning a SKU, didn't mention any brands, and the Fujis were pretty-much right next to the Memorex discs.) Sadly, they had plenty of stock, and didn't run out during the morning sale hours.
In the end, I went back into the store 6 times, at 90 CDs a bundle, that's 540 CD-Rs, for something around $50. Not nearly as good as free, but half-decent CD-Rs, for a half-decent price, and not having to deal with any rebates being a major plus for me.
Also picked up a "Stomp CD-labeler" device, for $5, with a $5 MIR, and a clearanced N64/Gamecube official Nintendo-made RF adaptor for $2.
I wonder if the door reciept-checker fellow started to wonder about me, maybe I was a dealer or something, but he didn't say anything. Most of the discs are for personal use, I can finally afford to "waste" enough discs to back-up my HD, and some of the spindles will be used for cheap holiday presents. Actually, that reminds me, I was over at a friend's house a few days ago, and we burned his last CD. Time to drop off some more.

All in all, not a bad day.
(In fact, the last time that CompUSA had a ridiculously low non-rebate price on CD-Rs, I stocked up so much, that they lasted me for nearly three years. In fact, I just ran out of that stock about a week ago. Good timing for another sale, I say. I was actually a bit surprised that they were selling name-brand CD-Rs, instead of the generic house-brand spindles that they did last time, and were pictured in the ad.)