Originally posted by: tcsenter
eh, michael moore is soooooooooo biased and inflammatory
why? did he show your fearless leader heston for the feeble ignorant little man he is? awww.
No, because Moore is biased and inflammatory. Weren't you paying attention?
If "Bowling For Columbine" is anything like the anachronistic union propoganda film "Roger and Me", it will be an agenda driven hack job. Those of us from Flint know exactly what a pile of crap "Roger and Me" was.
NOBODY from Flint references "Roger and Me" in their discussions about the plight of Flint's economy. The ONLY people you find referencing "Roger and Me" as offering some fair insight into the plight of Flint are those who are not from greater the Flint area and, thus, don't know enough to spot "Roger and Me" for the sham that it is.
Hell, "Roger and Me" didn't even make a good showing in Flint, it tanked. Its kinda hard to sit and watch Moore lay blame at the feet of General Motors without feeling extremely uncomfortable when the entire audience is "in" on the joke because our uncles and brothers and fathers worked for General Motors, and so we KNOW ALL ABOUT the rampant alcoholism, and drug use, and corruption, the sabotage of company property, the atrocious attendance and productivity rates, going to the bar while on the clock, the gambling, the prostitution, and the way that the union celebrated all of these things for 30 years as though they were employee "fringe benefits".