Bought me a ninja

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May 13, 2009
I ended up buying the ninja over the i7. I've had it for one day. I changed the oil, lubed chain and clutch cable, topped off with super unleaded, and cleaned it up. It was 3200 dollars for the bike, 275 for tax, title, license, and 96 for 1 year of liability insurance. The bike has 5800 miles and one owner with a D&D pipe. It wasn't a good thing for bank account but my little brother told me he would buy it from me for 3500 when I get ready to sell it. So I'll ride it till I'm tired of it then sell it. Just have to keep this thing upright and I'm good to go. It was all money well spent. Well so long to all the fellow bike riders maybe I'll see you out on the road later today.
May 13, 2009
600zxr. Would not ride anything under 600cc. I use to have a 900zxr ninja. It had too much power. As soon as you started getting on it you were at over 100mph. 600 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Its a yellow bike not a scratch on it.
Oh yeah it is a 2001.


Aug 11, 2000
I'm told that 600cc is the sweet spot for handling. I wouldn't know.

That said, $3500 is a drop in the bucket as far as performance vehicles go. A single parking lot fenderbender in a Corvette can cost you a lot more than the whole cost of your bike.
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