Been awhile but I thought I'd update! Well, my Mom decided she wanted a DSLR for personal use so I handed the d3100 to her and ordered a d3200 for myself. She was able to deliver it when she got here on Sunday, since then it's taken a couple thousand pictures. I had a friend using it for my wedding party (been married for a few months, just convenient to have mine and her family and friends make it halfway across the country or world in my case).
So far it's been great, some really nice pictures have been taken and very few of them have were out of focus. I wouldn't say there have been many great photos taken, but that is completely due to user error!
Today I went to the market as we toured around the city nearby and haggled myself a pretty sweet deal for a Tamron 70-300mm and an extra Nikon battery. The shop owner was impressed with the camera and spent 45 minutes trying lenses on it and snapping shots for himself. He stated that it's not out in China and asked me a ton of questions about it and if I could help him get some in, and if I would sell it to him at quite a nice deal... of course I turned it down and managed to talk him into giving me the battery and lens for 1460rmb or $231. Not a bad deal, considering same stuff on Amazon would have put me back $240.
Reason I bought the lens was because there were many times today that I wished I had more reach..... and the next week and a half of travelling is going to be at even more large-scale places that I just knew that I would be wishing for some more reach and being able to play with macro...
Like I've pointed out many times, I'm new to this and have no idea what I'm doing... but I feel I've already learned a lot and am having an amazing time playing around with the camera. I would like some feedback as to whether or not people here like my lens choice (although there was hardly any choice, as it was between the Nikon 55-200 and the Tamron, I wouldn't call 2 choices a variety). I can definitely see being frustrated with having to swap the lenses out for a shot and having zero overlap, but it is what it is in the price range I was working with and the availability at the electronics store in town.
As for another tidbit of information: I've seen a few websites suggest that the battery life is around 650 shots... well first night of using it my buddy shot 700+ most indoors with flash and the battery didn't drop a bar...
I'll be sure to report back with more about the camera, battery life, etc. as I get the time... I'll even throw up some pictures that I am least ashamed of and see if you guys can give me some suggestion about how to improve!!
Thanks a lot!