bombing Afghanistan?! whats the point?


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Okay... say if the US Government decides to take action against Afghanistan... there isn't much we can do to them that hasn't already been done. They are already one of the poorest countries in the world.. and they are already torn apart by civil war and their previous war with Russia... Bombing them would be like crushing an ant that has already been crushed. War and desolation is already a way of life there.

Now i'm not saying that we shouldn't go in there and kick some ass if it turns out they are responsible. But there is no way we can really punish them.. you can't push somebody off a mountain if they are already at the bottom.

Jason Clark

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
SpecialEd, umm you are a little mislead. Bin Laden is by no means "poor" and neither is some of the so called government officials.


Nov 9, 2000
We can possibly get the taliban out of control of the government for one thing. The taliban have be giving bin ladin a safe haven for years. The know he is there, and he has thier support.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
true... I know that Bin Laden isn't poor.. he's quite wealthy... and I'm sure the people surrounding him are also rich... but i'm just saying the the country of Afghanistan as a whole is one of the poorest and most war torn countries in the world. We aren't talking about world power house here.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2000
Zuni, have you seen how afghanistan looks these days? there isn't a single building (house or government building) which doesn't bear the marks of artillery or of bullets. First the soviets broke down the entire country, then the taliban broke it down again. there isn't a single thing left there and everyone is living in horrible circumstances. And then people would bomb this country.

if bin laden is behind this, provide conclusive proof to the taliban, and see how they respond. if they deny, THEN go to action on a scale as limited as possible. every country in the world knows they can be destroyed by the USA, why show off power then, and kill as many innocents as possible?



Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001
I think if we do take action, we should not stop untill the taliban is out of power.


Feb 8, 2001
To put them out of their misery? get rid of all the corrupt head honcho's, the brainwashers, install a puppet govt, let the people remove the blinders and see the world as it really is, after they get stabilized, release our grasps, and let them live a "true" life?


Oct 9, 1999
Also Israel is breaking down the country now in the shadows of the WTC disaster, it goes un noticed :(:(:( They went in after the WTC fell and have killed 10-20 people. They have demolished a police station there and are now bombing Jerico. :(:(:(


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Bottom line:


What part of that do you not understand?

I could care LESS about that country and its people.

No nukes, just carpet bomb the ENTIRE COUNTRY flat.

For that matter, level Iraq too.

Useless humans


Jun 5, 2001

<< Okay... say if the US Government decides to take action against Afghanistan... there isn't much we can do to them that hasn't already been done. They are already one of the poorest countries in the world.. and they are already torn apart by civil war and their previous war with Russia... Bombing them would be like crushing an ant that has already been crushed. War and desolation is already a way of life there.

Now i'm not saying that we shouldn't go in there and kick some ass if it turns out they are responsible. But there is no way we can really punish them.. you can't push somebody off a mountain if they are already at the bottom.

Its a safehaven for terrorisits. It needs to be invaded and taken over like what the US did with Japan. The same with Libya and other terrorist states.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
I think its high time that country gets a new government... They obviously haven't been doing a good job thus far considering the state of Afghanistan...
I wouldn't mind taking the taliban out.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Also Israel is breaking down the country now in the shadows of the WTC disaster, it goes un noticed :(:(:( They went in after the WTC fell and have killed 10-20 people. They have demolished a police station there and are now bombing Jerico. :(:(:(

GOOD. I defended them in the past on this board and elsewhere very very strongly but after I saw their celebration in the streets, NO MORE.

May Israel Live FOREVER


Feb 8, 2001

<< They are already one of the poorest countries in the world >>

They are typical for countries over there. You have 99% of the money in the hands of 1%. I'm not sure about the numbers, but I am not off by much. Just about the only industry over there is oil, and you have a handful of families living high off the hog...millions, billions....while most of the country suffers..


Oct 9, 1999

<< GOOD. I defended them in the past but after I saw their celebration in the streets, NO MORE. >>

Read this about why they selebrated,1300,550977,00.html
And this quote from this thread posted by ElDonAntonio, its quite long but interesting

<< I have read ALL the messages in this thread, and I decided to contribute my thoughts. To everyone: the expression of our individual thoughts, respectuf debates, and exchange of points of vues are the source of all civilization on Earth. Please keep this thread alive with rational thoughts. Keep your minds open, and your brains working.

First - All my condolances for the friends and family of the victims. All my sympathy for those who had to witness relatives dying with their own eyes. My heart broke personally when I saw people jumping from the top floors of the WTC, trying to escape the infernal temperatures. This act is monstrous. Any loss of life, in any situation or country is regrettable and should never happen.

Second - I'd like to say I have been moved by many posts here. FlipFlop: your message was truly admirable, full of respect and intelligent thought. Whether I agree with you or not doesn't matter. I greatly respect your way of thought and expression. Many other posted messages I admired. I unfortunatly didn't write down the names of everyone (5 pages on this thread...)

Third - my point of vue:

Many of you here have turned around the matter by engaging in irrelevant debates about communism, other people's mothers, or US import/export.

The real matter at hand is asking why would anyone would be ready to give his life to crash into a US building full of people. The truth is, only desperate people would do that. People who have nothing to lose. It's no coincidence the first suspects were Palestinians. But why? well, you know yourself the answer if you suspect them. Because they have reasons to hate the United States, and you know these reasons.

After the WWII, the international community felt very bad for the Jewish people. What could be done to repair Hitler's wrongs? Well, according to the Ancient Testament, Palestine is the promised land, and the Jews, the chosen race (doesn't it remind you of the Nazi philosophy? exactly the same thing). The UN squarely told them "Alright. Take Palestine by whatever means necessary. Our eyes are shut."

Since then emerged the Middle-East trouble. The problem is quite simple: Israelis want the Palestinian land, and palestinians don't feel like being invaded and kicked out of their homes. Then the US came into this affair and self-proclaimed itself a "mediator". Unfortunately, the US are run by Israel. To all the patriotic americans here, I regret to inform you your country is not truly controlled by americans, but rather by Israelis. It would be a much better world if americans were at the head of their country. It is no coincidence that billions of american dollars go to Israel, that all military research is handed to Israel. I'll say it again: The United States are controlled by Israel. You're being naive if you think noble concepts like democracy and freedom are the reason behind the US support for Israel. I do not see invading another country as a democratic or freedom-sponsored move. Nor soldiers shooting children at point-blank range.
So the US "mediator" stance was laughable, and quite obviously, CNN tried to counter that and quickly gave an image of the terrible Arabs and the gentle Israelis. Remember now the source of the conflict: Israel wants to conquer Palestine. Palestinians don't want to leave their own homes. How then can palestinians be blamed for throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers? They are now living in dumpsters while Israel is colonizing their country, with US tanks and F16s. Peace between the two countries seems unfortunatly impossible. Each has interests they will NEVER abandon:

-Israel will ALWAYS want to conquer Palestine, by any means necessary. They say God told them to do so. This belief will go on for generations and generations.
-Palestinians want to keep their homes, and don't want their country to be invaded.

The United States' blatent support to Israel leads to this: Palestinians are being massacred in their own land, and the media of the world (all controlled by Jewish, CNN as an example) are describing them as terrorists. Can you understand their rage and anger?

Now let's go back to what happened on September 11. No one still knows for sure who was behind this attack. But whoever it is (JRA, ben Laden, etc), I cannot blame some Palestinians for feeling the way they feel. They too have lost many friends and family in their own country, in front of their own eyes. Entire villages are being destroyed by Israelis every days. We're not talking about 2 buildings (2 really BIG buildings, I admit), but entire villages. Now many of you are saying "kill them all! they are responsible for the deaths of our people, they should deserve to die!". Can't you see that's exactly what they were thinking about the US too? It's with american funds and ressources Palestinian civilians are being killed everyday. Someone made a very profound reflection here: America sees this as an act of war. It is rather a retaliation of war.

Then again, according to CNN, "2000 Palestinians celebrated in the streets". The population of Palestine is of 3 million. That makes 0.06% of the population, while 99.94% were learning the news in horror. Don't you find it weird that CNN hurried to insist and generalize "Palestinians chanted in the streets"?? That's pure propaganda. 2000 people is nothing, that's roughly the number of students of my old high school. As for the footage we saw on TV: ALL that we saw on all TV channels was a muslim lady with thick goggles, some children jumping, and 2 guys eating cake. NONE OF THEM SAID A WORD. NONE WAS INTERVIEWED. They weren't burning any US or Israeli flag. Don't you find that weird?? Anyone saw the movie Wag the dog? As far as I'm concerned, it looked more like a children's birthday party than "2000 people chanting in the streets".


I truly wonder what the american reaction will be. I truly hope they will not be consumed by the desire of revenge. I hope they will not try to show all the power of the US army (we all know it's the most powerful in the world, no need for a demonstration). I rather hope they will stop and think about the horror that happened. Why it happened. What the US government did to move the Middle-East conflict back to New York. And I hope the reaction will be a mild one. I don't want to be in the middle of WWIII. Obvisouly, the US are NOT impartial in the Middle East conflict. They should back off and let another country do the mediating. If the US government wasn't controlled by Israel, none of this horror would have ever happened. The US government succeeded in making its own people, innocent people, pay the price of Israel. As if tax dollars weren't enough, americans have now payed with their lives so that Jews can have more money to get their promised land by God.



Oct 9, 1999

Ohh.... wait.... they are only about 3 years out of teh stone age.




Jun 5, 2001
Czar, I dont CARE why they celebrated. This is so beyond any need for an explanation its not even funny.

Any people that can cheer when 20,000 Americans die don't deserve to live.



Oct 9, 1999

<< Czar, I dont CARE why they celebrated. This is so beyond any need for an explanation its not even funny.

Any people that can cheer when 20,000 Americans die don't deserve to live.


If you dont care you will never understand people and you will never understand how the world lives


Sep 7, 2001
You give them an ultimatum, you have to give them the opportunity to save themselves. This ultimatum gives them control over their own fate, leaving the decision entirely up to them. And, here it is:

You give us everything we ask for within 48 hours, and you deliver it with a smile on your face, or we level your country from its northern border to its southern border, and then from its eastern border to its western border. The only area left standing will be that 5% corner which is controlled by the Northern Alliance. The whole of the United States will be behind us, as will half of the world, and we don't give a damn what the other half thinks. Now, the choice is yours, you have 48 hours to decide.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001

<< we level your country from its northern border to its southern border, and then from its eastern border to its western border. >>

The problem is that the country is already leveled from east to west and north to south. Bombing them would be just like any other day in Afghanistan....


Sep 7, 2001

<< The problem is that the country is already leveled from east to west and north to south. Bombing them would be just like any other day in Afghanistan >>

Great! Then there should be no objections, just another walk in the park for them.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
Bombing afghanistan (preferably surface penetrating nukes to contain fallout) will strike the fear of Allah in any terrorist who even considers striking out against the US. It is the most likely candidate because they have no world power as an ally. Both Russia and China, the two toes we don't want to step on, both hate the taliban and afghan people. In short, nobody will miss afghanistan and will likely cheer when it is turned into an uninhabitable crater.

We may want to give them a day or two warning so that anyone with half a brain can leave the country and insure that the "christian missionaries" on trial before the taliban are released.

It now looks like afghanistan knows that they are screwed and are rounding up ben ladin's gang of terrorist. Now we just need a few of the taliban muslim clerics to travel with the terrorists to New York, proclaim that they are going to hell for what they've done (they must not become martyrs), and then publicly decapitate them with a big sword. They get no trial... in an act of war no constitutional freedoms exist.

If Saddam paid for the attack, we can send our troops to Iraq, expel the population (earlier empires would have simply killed them), and set up a permanent american colony with a rich source of oil. That will help offset the financial cost of the damage.

Czar, you can take your terrorist defending links and shove them. Go outside and jump off a glacier.

As far as palestine goes, that is the other price the terrorists will pay. The people who cheered in the streets have dipped their hands in American blood. Israel can do what it wants to them. The west will not object.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2001
forget bombing we invade, and take their entire gov as prisoners, and take bin laden and his people for trial and execution.

and as for isreal... i hope they give em hell.



Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Invasion sounds like the right plan...
lets occupy them like we did Japan.. excute a few people and turn their country around!!!


Jun 28, 2001


<< we level your country from its northern border to its southern border, and then from its eastern border to its western border. >>

The problem is that the country is already leveled from east to west and north to south. Bombing them would be just like any other day in Afghanistan....

Bombed? By whom? And how badly? It looks to me like thay still have buildings standing and people living in Afghanistan. Seems to me like they haven't been bombed enough. I'm thinking fo bombing more like the February 1945 Dresden raids all over Afghanistan.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Afghanistan bombs itself.. Civil war going on for many, many years...
Also Afghanistan was at war with Russia through out the 1980s.