- Jan 10, 2002
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Boca Raton Man Wants To Donate Money To Iraqi Hero
Business Owner Plans To Start Trust Fund
BOCA RATON, Fla. -- The heroics of an Iraqi man who braved a war-torn trek to help U.S. troops rescue POW Jessica Lynch so impressed one Boca Raton businessman that he wants to reward the man.
The hero, known to the world only as Mohammed, is under the protection of U.S. troops in Iraq, along with his wife and 6-year-old daughter.
The Iraqi hero who spotted Lynch in an Iraqi hospital and walked 6 miles to alert American troops, taking him through dangerous territory, moved Jon Larkin (pictured, left), the owner of Busy Body Fitness Warehouse in Boca Raton.
Larkin wants to reward Mohammed for his bravery and humanity with a $10,000 trust fund in his name. Larkin says he's not the only one reaching out to Mohammed.
"I've gotten calls from people who want to give $100,000 to Mohammed," Larkin said.
Larkin said Mohammed and his family face threats if they return home.
Larkin is working on starting the trust fund sometime this week and will pass on information on how to donate when the details are ironed out. http://www.thewpbfchannel.com/news/2094782/detail.html