Bob Behr Holocaust Survivor

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Feb 1, 2008
C-Span3 had Bob Behr speaking at the (I believe) Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.
His story was amazing.
The link below is from youtube when Bob Behr was younger.
He is now 82 and still travels and lectures about surviving the holocaust.
This youtube of Bob Behr is good, but his C-Span3 speech was much better.
Might be available on C-Span website?

From his C-Span3 Lecture/Speech at the Holocaust Museum, he gets more personal and describes how in just one day things changed in his life, and for all Jews in Germany.
What struck me was with him telling of the very day before Hitler came to power, he lived a normal life in a normal German neighborhood with friendly neighbors.

The very day after Hitler came to power, his neighbors stopped talking to his family, stopped associating with his family, turned against his family.
All this change in just one day.

This reminded me of America today, and the recent attempt in Arizona with passing legislation to legally deny services to gay and lesbian customers.
As well as other states looking to pass similar legislation.

It is so easy to understand just how it was Hitler came to power in Germany, and how easy it was to demonize the jews. And more so, how neighbor turned against neighbor literally overnight.

Bob Behr's closing remarks were to warn people to stay aware how easily this could happen again, maybe not so much against Jewish people he said, but against another group or people.


Sep 23, 2003
Poor guy. He still has his intelligence about him.

Also if the date is correct at the beginning of the video, he's 92 not 82.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2001
Actually it is happening in ways with the Gay community attacking and vilifying people constantly because a person doesn't support them. If you disagree with them they call you names like "homophobe". Or attack you in public and have you fired and try to destroy your carreer. Or sue you. I'm being totally serious, they act just like that, one day your neighbor, but find out a person doesn't agree with them and they viciously attack you as a group. They think it's popular and justified much like those that turned on the Jews.
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