- May 11, 2008
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The goal is to create a huge database that all hospitals over the world can use.
A pdf with detailed information can be found here as well.
Read it all here in the phage virus thread in ATHT :
Researchers at the Cancer Center Amsterdam (CCA) of VU University Medical Center have developed a groundbreaking technique that can detect cancer at an early stage in a drop of blood. Researcher Professor Tom Würdinger of the CCA:.. "It is important to identify cancer as early as possible and treat. The new technique with which we "read" cancer of the blood that play a major role in and hopefully save lives. "It is still in an experimental phase. Würdinger expected within five years to have the test available for the first patients. The discovery is published today by researchers in the prestigious scientific journal Cancer Cell.
The research group of Tom Würdinger discovered that platelets of cancer patients RNA (copies of parts of the DNA) contain the tumor. Platelets normally ensure the coagulation of the blood, but recent research shows that platelets also play an important role in tumor growth and metastasis of cancer. The platelets of patients with cancer contain unique RNA-patterns which make it possible to distinguish between healthy individuals of cancer patients with a certainty of 96%.
A pdf with detailed information can be found here as well.
Read it all here in the phage virus thread in ATHT :