Black&White2 is a real Gem! [BB Diving Updated]


Mar 9, 2000
9/14 LAST post . . . finished the x-pack. Buggy crap compared to the game . . . see my today's post.

9/12 . . . playing the Expansion [$10 at CC] . . . disappointed .. . see latest post


Sept 10 Done . . . see my latest post . . .

highly recommended


i am just beginning Level 7 of 9 and am totally 'addicted' to B&W2. . . . although i set it somewhat aside to complete Q4, i am playing at least couple of hours every night.

it is a totally AMAZING game that STARTS incredibly SLOWLY and then just 'keeps going'. You must have incredible patience to do the "micro-managing" to build your City's Population and Influence. . . that directly determines how many soldiers you can send into battle.

As you continue, you can find 'short cuts' that make this easier - Your - Creature's Advanced Builder/Gatherer and automate it a bit as you progress thru 9 lands

B&W2 is an exceptional game. it is a game of real strategy and excitement - especially when you go to war.

if you are 'good', it probably will be less 'exciting'. i guess i am pretty 'bad' since Getting My Creature to Master Soldier . . . and then setting him against the enemy creature and a couple of platoons with the Strategy i taught him can be quite rewarding. . . . he is a Slaughter-machine.


i did it the 'hard way' - i am only looking at the walkthrus AFTER i finish the lands . . . and my strategy has been ok, i guess. :)


i finally got to play a few hours of B&W2 . . . and it is an exceptional game.

of course, FPSers with their lmited attention span need NOT apply.:p


i don't think i would have the PATIENCE to play B&W2 before i played Oblivion [and Kotor before it] . . . ;)

Yes . . . it is MICRO-Managing everything to the nth degree - from Building Everything to managing your people's breeding . . . at least i can't find any efficient way to let your "people" manage themselves without a good part of your attention . . . they are slow . . . .

. . . and you MUST spent real time "training" your Creature. . . . but he is really a pretty cool "virtual pet" [the instrument of Your Divine Will] that grows up before your eyes - you get to 'potty train' him to eventually making him Master of Your Armies.

Learing curve is medium . . . watching the tutorials and with the manual in hand makes it pretty easy and everything moves pretty smoothly [once you finally get used to controls] . . . the mouse movements of Your Divine Hand is precise and you can zoom in to the most intimate details of your worshippers or back to the heavens for the "overall" view.

Graphics are excellent and run great on my x850xt but BEST of ALL the Humour is TOP-notch - reminds me of Giants:Ck [with an anytime save]:p

Of course it is RTS with the battles . . . your Goal as God is to make your People Preeminate by winning the other peoples over - by Influence or War . . . i have only done the 'rudimentary' battles but my Creature will be a Warrior. :)

so . . . finally

i look forward to many hours with this game


in case you didn't know it, CC has all games at $19.99 or less are 2 for 1. ..

. . . so, head's up.

looks like C&C generals, some Sims, Battlefield 1942 {deluxe ed with the xpacks], Flat Out C2C and others are on the list . . .

so i picked

Darwinia and Black & White 2 . . . both for $19.99

good choice?

a ten dollar game that NEVER gets played is STILL a waste of ten dollars. ;)

the remain UNopened till i hear from you guys
[the reviews are really 'mixed']

my first love is FPS . . . and . . . Oblivion . . .


Nov 5, 2002
Darwinia is a cool strategy game, try the demo if you're not sure. B&W2 is ok, I think more strategy than the first one.
I've played both a bit, but never really go into either.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002

Darwinia rocks. So fun and peaceful to play. Such style too.

Odly the Darwinia demo is of a level that never appears in the real game. No tanks either :(

I've not played B&W but I've heard the fun wears off quickly.


Mar 22, 2006
I've heard Darwinia is pretty damn cool, I've always wanted to try it out but I never got around to playing the demo. B&W2 is okay, for a time - if you're into developing characters this game is probably for you.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Smilin

Darwinia rocks. So fun and peaceful to play. Such style too.

Odly the Darwinia demo is of a level that never appears in the real game. No tanks either :(

I've not played B&W but I've heard the fun wears off quickly.

i believe you are "Mr. Darwinia" around here [kinda like i am mr oblivion] :p


it is because of you that i even picked it up ... the box is so NON descriptive ["unlike anything else"] . . . i am still not sure what i am getting into.

you gotta remember i am still a FPSer - first . . . anything more complicated than Oblivion [i just barely got into KotOR] or with a steep learning curve and the game gets unistalled {like Pirates! - for example}.

it's an 'attention thing' :p



Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2004
If you want to have a good time with B&W2, you'll need to do this first before playing it:

1) Open the box
2) Look inside for the CD/DVD
3) Take it out
4) Put the CD/DVD into your CD/DVD shredder
5) Replace the CD/DVD with dog feces
6) Close the box
7) Sell it to some kid for $25.00

Trust me..that will be more fun than playing it.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: KillyKillall
If you want to have a good time with B&W2, you'll need to do this first before playing it:

1) Open the box
2) Look inside for the CD/DVD
3) Take it out
4) Put the CD/DVD into your CD/DVD shredder
5) Replace the CD/DVD with dog feces
6) Close the box
7) Sell it to some kid for $25.00

Trust me..that will be more fun than playing it.

were you really that disappointed with it?
[or do you just hate kids?] :p


that's two votes for 'return it' . . . 1 mild 'ok'

and 3 votes for 'install' Darwinia.


maybe cc will let me just exchange one of the pair.


Oct 11, 1999
I'm pretty sure I played the B&W 2 demo. I didnt like it. I found B&W 1 to be good for a few hours but not worth it overall.

No idea on WTF Darwinia is. Seen the ad on it for Steam and Smilin' pushing it like its the hottest dope on the street ;). Sounds ok though so I may try that demo.

So as you can see my point is basically I'd try the demos for both of them before opening the boxes. If you end up wanting to keep Darwinia but not B&W2, just return them both, buy Darwinia again plus a replacement for B&W2.

edit: Nvm, I seem to remember you have slow internet. But perhaps the Darwinia demo would be do-able on your connection if you let it download the whole night tonight? And frankly I'd rather have $20 than B&W2 so I guess I wouldnt even bother with that demo unless you got a fast connect or access to a demo disc.


Mar 9, 2000
Ok . . . i called CC and they said i could eXchange the UNopened B&W2 for another game of equal price
[if there's anything left] :p

i may get stuck paying $19.99 for Darwainia and getting a "free" B&W2 . . . as long as Darwinia is good . . . i am OK wiht that.

So no B&W fans here . . .

. .. i even notice there is a B&W2 eXp pack for $10

still bad huh?


edit Is the latest patch for Darwinia, v1.42? i even saw a beta patch


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: KillyKillall
If you want to have a good time with B&W2, you'll need to do this first before playing it:

1) Open the box
2) Look inside for the CD/DVD
3) Take it out
4) Put the CD/DVD into your CD/DVD shredder
5) Replace the CD/DVD with dog feces
6) Close the box
7) Sell it to some kid for $25.00

Trust me..that will be more fun than playing it.

the game wasn't that bad. i enjoyed it quite a bit, and you all seem to think i don't like any games so that must mean something, eh?


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
I stopped playing B&W2 after about a full 2 hours. I tried it, but it wasn't as good as the first.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: MangoTBG
I stopped playing B&W2 after about a full 2 hours. I tried it, but it wasn't as good as the first.

Exactly. The 1st was ok. With the second one, they just basically sat in a room and said, "how can we annoy the ****** out of the user and make the most micromanaging game of all time?"

btw, someone just gave me the expansion as a gift...egh....


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: KillyKillall
Originally posted by: MangoTBG
I stopped playing B&W2 after about a full 2 hours. I tried it, but it wasn't as good as the first.

Exactly. The 1st was ok. With the second one, they just basically sat in a room and said, "how can we annoy the ****** out of the user and make the most micromanaging game of all time?"

btw, someone just gave me the expansion as a gift...egh....

that bad, huh?

i notice there are two patches for B&W . . . ~200mb . . . . . :p
i guess it is not *buggy* as it is irritating

actually it got good reviews:

8.2 score - overall

EDIT: you gotta know i installed B&W2 . . . i am "intigued" . . . and it 'looks beautiful'.

i think i will check the walkthru . . .



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: pontifex
the original B&W was hard and boring.

B&W 2 is fairly easy but fun

you and i have about the greatest difference in our gaming 'tastes' ...
[which is good] :)

so . . . i am going to actually try playing B&W2 . . . i am 'intrigued'



Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
B&W 2 = Less creature development (simplified), more RTS (badly executed RTS though, bad AI, very easy)

Darwinia - Don't know, but I think I'll try it out later today to see what all the fuss is about.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Dethfrumbelo
B&W 2 = Less creature development (simplified), more RTS (badly executed RTS though, bad AI, very easy)
i am guessing that you are comparing to the original - which i never played.

Bad game . . . or just flawed?

heck, ALL game are flawed ;)

. . . even Oblivion :Q
[i got that one in for you-know-who]



Mar 9, 2000
oK . . . i have been playing B&W2 for a few hours . . . still on the first land . . . there is a LOT to do [i can see the "micromanagement complaint" but isn't that what RTS is about?] . . . the 'creature' is an awesome idea and the HUMOUR is QUIRKY - reminds me of Giants:CK . . . with an anytime save. :p

weird game with really nice gfx [not as 'detailed' as Oblivion but beautiful in it's own way and runs great on an x850xt]

. . . and so far . . . i like it!

cautiously recommended

otoh, Darwinia is 'too retro' . . . for my tastes
[i don't want to play 80's arcade games . . . again] :p

i have a really hard time getting 'interested'. . . . maybe after B&W2 ;)

. . . and i am still playing Oblivion . . . same char after more than 1,000 hours - *All Abilities maxed*/Level 92 - BUT with the user-mods [some nice "quests" and 'companions']
. . . and curently playing as a Level 4 Vampire [again] . . . on a 'killing spree' of all the Guards in Cyodiil . . . just to see 'how high' his bounty can go. :p

i got my money's worth:heart:



Mar 9, 2000
i finally got to play a few more hours of B&W2 . . . and it is an exceptional game.

of course, FPSers with their lmited attention span need NOT apply.:p


i don't think i would have the PATIENCE to play B&W2 before i played Oblivion [and Kotor before it] . . . ;)

Yes . . . it is MICRO-Managing everything to the nth degree - from Building Everything to managing your people's breeding . . . at least i can't find any efficient way to let your "people" manage themselves without a good part of your attention . . . they are slow . . . . and you are God.

good or evil or both . . . your choice and your Creature 'reflects' you.

. . . and you MUST spent real time "training" your Creature. . . . but he is really a pretty cool "virtual pet" [the instrument of Your Divine Will] that grows up before your eyes - you get to 'potty train' him to eventually making him Master of Your Armies.

Learing curve is medium . . . watching the tutorials and with the manual in hand makes it pretty easy and everything moves pretty smoothly [once you finally get used to controls] . . . the mouse movements of Your Divine Hand is precise and you can zoom in to the most intimate details of your worshippers or back to the heavens for the "overall" view.

Graphics are excellent and run great on my x850xt but BEST of ALL the Humour is TOP-notch - reminds me of Giants:Ck [with an anytime save]:p

Of course it is RTS with the battles . . . your Goal as God is to make your People Preeminate by winning the other peoples over - by 'Influence' or 'War' . . . i have only done the 'rudimentary' battles but my Creature will be a Warrior. :)

so . . . finally

i look forward to many hours with this game


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: apoppin
i finally got to play a few more hours of B&W2 . . . and it is an exceptional game.

of course, FPSers with their lmited attention span need NOT apply.:p


i don't think i would have the PATIENCE to play B&W2 before i played Oblivion [and Kotor before it] . . . ;)

Yes . . . it is MICRO-Managing everything to the nth degree - from Building Everything to managing your people's breeding . . . at least i can't find any efficient way to let your "people" manage themselves without a good part of your attention . . . they are slow . . . . and you are God.

good or evil or both . . . your choice and your Creature 'reflects' you.

. . . and you MUST spent real time "training" your Creature. . . . but he is really a pretty cool "virtual pet" [the instrument of Your Divine Will] that grows up before your eyes - you get to 'potty train' him to eventually making him Master of Your Armies.

Learing curve is medium . . . watching the tutorials and with the manual in hand makes it pretty easy and everything moves pretty smoothly [once you finally get used to controls] . . . the mouse movements of Your Divine Hand is precise and you can zoom in to the most intimate details of your worshippers or back to the heavens for the "overall" view.

Graphics are excellent and run great on my x850xt but BEST of ALL the Humour is TOP-notch - reminds me of Giants:Ck [with an anytime save]:p

Of course it is RTS with the battles . . . your Goal as God is to make your People Preeminate by winning the other peoples over - by 'Influence' or 'War' . . . i have only done the 'rudimentary' battles but my Creature will be a Warrior. :)

so . . . finally

i look forward to many hours with this game

sometimes it gets annoying because your people always want some kind of building, whether its a new storage center or a pillar.

one thing i liked doing was using a trainer to give myself tons of resources and just building huge sprawling cities.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: apoppin
i look forward to many hours with this game

sometimes it gets annoying because your people always want some kind of building, whether its a new storage center or a pillar.

one thing i liked doing was using a trainer to give myself tons of resources and just building huge sprawling cities.


Build LOTs of Torture Pits and Prisons . . . the people get a LOT less demanding after a few of their neighbor's heads get displayed on Punnishment spikes.

the only demand on you is to feed 'em ;)

i really like this game . . .




Mar 9, 2000
i am just beginning Level 7 of 9 and am totally 'addicted' to B&W2. . . . although i set it somewhat aside to complete Q4, i am playing at least couple of hours every night.

it is a totally AMAZING game that STARTS incredibly SLOWLY and then just 'keeps going'. You must have incredible patience to do the "micro-managing" to build your City's Population and Influence. . . that directly determines how many soldiers you can send into battle.

As you continue, you can find 'short cuts' that make this easier - Your - Creature's Advanced Builder/Gatherer and automate it a bit as you progress thru 9 lands

B&W2 is an exceptional game. it is a game of real strategy and excitement - especially when you go to war.

if you are 'good', it probably will be less 'exciting'. i guess i am pretty 'bad' since Getting My Creature to Master Soldier . . . and then setting him against the enemy creature and a couple of platoons with the Strategy i taught him can be quite rewarding. . . . he is a Slaughter-machine.


i did it the 'hard way' - i am only looking at the walkthrus AFTER i finish the lands . . . and my strategy has been ok, i guess. :)




Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: KillyKillall
If you want to have a good time with B&W2, you'll need to do this first before playing it:

1) Open the box
2) Look inside for the CD/DVD
3) Take it out
4) Put the CD/DVD into your CD/DVD shredder
5) Replace the CD/DVD with dog feces
6) Close the box
7) Sell it to some kid for $25.00

Trust me..that will be more fun than playing it.


B&W2 is so buggy, it's not even a game. Just an exercise in futility.