black sceen at boot (FIXED)


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
well i had a nice pc that worked fine and never broke down .... untill yesterday.

systems specs -

so i got home this morning and turned on the pc to find that it just goes into black screen after it boots - i say boots but i have the funny feeling that it dosent actually get to booting as it stops when the following message appears

Realtek gigabit boot agent
Shift + F10 to configure ............

i went into the boot agent confic screen thingy it said and it just had a few options about the order things boot, i took out network booting as id herd from some other forums that bad network cards can ah heck things up (though ive never actually used mine and dont see how it could go wrong). but it still dont work after that.

i also tried fiddling with bios bu didint find anything usefull in there.

i also tried to start it from a boot disk but this didnt work ... as it may not even be booting

and i tried to boot from windows cd to re-install windows .... but that didnt work.

ive hit tab and been thru POST at the start but that still goes back to the boot agent bit and then goes black

and last off ive hit F11 and gone to the boot menu and tried to change that but still nothing works

i also herd that it might just be going black and just being super slow at booting, but i left it for like 2 hours and still no windows or any other color than black.

if u can help or even know of a way to format the hard drive (though it would be nice not to have to do)in my situation it would be verry much appreciated



Golden Member
Mar 9, 2004
Can you get into & view BIOS/setup screens ??

Edit: If so, try resetting the all of the bios to their DEFAULT VALUES. Then exit and save & see if it will boot.

If it still will not boot, go back into the BIOS and disable the onboard network card feature - exit, save & see if it will boot.

If still not, try resetting the BIOS by removing the hardware jumper on your motherboard - the correct procedure/sequence should be described in detail in your motherboards owners manual.

Let us know what happens.



Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
did you check out the power supply?

surely if the power suppl was buggered it wouldnt turn on at all? but well i can still hear the usual fans ans things going so to the best of my knowledge its fine.

Can you get into & view BIOS/setup screens ??

yup as i said i can get into the bios as well as the boot agent configure thingy and the boot setup screen .... and post, but nout else


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
ive just been rifling through my manual and it dosent have anything about reseting the bios in it but it does refer to reseting the CMOS jumpers... is this what you refer too?

edit - refering to the other ideas you had, i tired the restore to default values in the bios and that didnt work.

and as to disabling onboard network card , i could only find a MAC lan(nvidia) - already disabled and a gigaLAN which i disabled , although when i did that the computer didint even get to the stage it usually get to to it just went blank after it finished with its "platinum" screen (motherboard thingy)



Golden Member
Mar 9, 2004
Let us know if resetting the CMOS/bios works.

If not, my next suggestion would be to consider the possibility that the message that you have been getting is a complete misnomer and has little or nothing to do with the real problem.

I would get the diagnostic software from the manufacturer of your hard drive and test the drive for integrity.



Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
lol im having fun trying to find the darn things cos the manual dont say where they are just says do this and itl all be fine. :)

the message i get i allways get when the computer starts its just that thats where it stops that makes me think it has something to do with this ... i mean if i cant boot from cd,floppy or hardrive maybe its becos its not getting to the boot bit at all ...


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2004
Yes, come to think about it, you are probably correct in your last statement.

Does the manual have a skematic of the motherboard layout ?

I will see, if I can if some info on it.


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2004
Did you find the jumper ?

If your system is a K8n Neo Premium, then it looks like the jumper is JBAT1 and the procedure is described on page 2-24 of the owners manual.


It would be a very good idea to unplug the power cord from the power supply while you make the switch of this jumper.


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
yeah after about 20mins of searching i found the cthe cmos jumper (JBAT1) and moved it over for 15 secs then returned it to 2-1 or whatever it origanlly was. i then booted the pc and got a random checksum error ... booted again and this seemed to fix itself.

at this point the pc got further and "verefied its dmi pool data" and some other random crap but still didnt boot to xp so...

i then tried to boot from boot-disk but it turned out that there was something wrong with my boot.ini so i then attempted to run the recovery cosole from the winxp cd. then attaempted to run FIXMBR ..... this said that my computer "apears to have a non-standard or invalid master boot record" i woulda run it but it seemed to think i might loose all the data on my hard drive so i just ran chkdsk which found some errors and must have fixed them cos when i rebooted it booted to XP AND IT WORKED...

thx wpshooter for all ur help


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2004

That is great news !!!

Of course, now what you should be concerned about is why this happened in the first place.

1) Is there a possibility that you had an electrical charge (from lightning) or from a power spike that got thru to your system ?

2) Which leads to, do you have a UPS or at least a very good surge suppressor between computer and wall ?

3) You might want to consider a possible problem with your motherboard CMOS battery. Not old system, so battery is still probably O.K., but you might want to check seating of battery on motherboard. Make sure system is off and unplugged from wall and that you follow static protection procedures. Also, check the performance of the power being provided to your system from your power supply.

4) You might want to get the diagnostic software from your drive manufacturer and check your drive(s) integrity, since it looks like some corruption has taken place for some reason.

5) Were you overclocking ? If so, you may want to back off some or stop O/C completely, which would be my flavor.

Good luck & good computing.

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