Originally posted by: Tarrant64
Originally posted by: SSSnail
My ratio is > 1.1, why is it my download speed is so slow? People a taking from me 100x faster than I can download from anyone, and even though I can see a bunch of peers with 100% completion, why can't I download from them?
I set everything I could as open as I can, no avail. Any ideas?
What are you trying to download? You don't have to be specific, but are they large files?
There are reports coming up of ISPs starting to filter out torrent content and limiting the bandwidth users have when attempting to download files using torrents. It is also possible to hit a 'wall' for example, exceeding a certain amount of bandwidth causing the ISP to limit your downloads for a certain amount of time. Just a thought.
What ISP?
Time Warner for ISP. Traffic is encrypted and ports randomized so ISP won't be able to filter it, the files are typically 700MB and have a bunch of seedings. But, all the people I pull files from are just typically 5-10 kB/s, which is pitiful.
I don't download a lot, so I can't possibly be exceeding any limits they may impose; besides, I personally think that if they have a limit it would be pretty crappy of them. After all, I pay monthly for a certain bandwidth allocation and never signed any thing that would limit my usage. If they want to limit my usage, they should have put that in a contract then legally then can do whatever they want.
Anyways, I tried increasing, decreasing seedings, connections, etc... nothing help.