Bill Press: Cheney not up to the job!


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Here's a nice, albeit one-sided, picture of Cheney the Oil MagNut.
Cheney is smart but dreadfully boring and is much more right wing than he came off in the debate. The gay marriage issue is but one of many examples. Cheney starts off with, "Gee, Bernie, that's a difficult issue, and I sympathize blah, blah, blah, but I'll always come down on the extreme right wing's side." So he sounds like a sympathetic, empathetic fellow at first blush, but you can only pose for so long before your true colors are apparent. Cheney is a far right wing, Daddy Warbucks, Oil MagNut candidate just like Bush. Would he be preferable to Bush as President? Absolutely not, because Bush is at least a good 'ol boy who probably has real friends. Who'd be Cheney's friend? An Amana freezer? I have frozen meat that is warmer than Dick Cheney.

PRESSing Cheney


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Bill Press is about a an opiniated Left Winger as you can get! I saw the Crossfre he refers to and using only this interview, I could see his point. Because of the format, the answers were short and incomplete. Cheny stayed on target with the Republican platform and this pissed ole Bill off!

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, something written by that commie Bill Press carries a lot of weight. Clearly, judging by all the polls, the guy is onece again way out of touch with reality and the American public. He says "And Cheney did a poor job of it, appearing confused or unprepared on a few critical issues."

Like Cheney or not, he came across as EXTREMEMLY well prepared, and he certainly showed he was 'up to the job'. The polls all show that the viewing public agreed -- it was a clear knockout win for Cheney. However, the more important part is, did it affect how poeple view the presidential race itself, and the answer is no. It's still a dead heat.

Bill Press reminds me of reporters in 1980 when Reagan ran against Carter. They all kept saying how he was terrible, how he was no good, a right wing zealot, blah blah blah. Then the American public showed them how out of touch they were with their viewers by electing him in a landslide.

Also, in the interest of fairness, let me offer a tranlation of libo-speak for those that aren't skilled in that language:

Cheney is a far right wing, Daddy Warbucks, Oil MagNut candidate = He's a smart conservative man that has actually gone out into the real world outside of Washington and has been the head of a successful business enterprises.

Who'd be Cheney's friend? An Amana freezer? I have frozen meat that is warmer than Dick Cheney = He's not all warm and fuzzy like, for example Clinton. He actually tells the truth, even though it's not always popular.

gay marriage issue - 'but I'll always come down on the extreme right wing's side.' = I believe in traditional marriages and I don't agree with the gay agenda. My kids don't need to read that "two daddy's is better than one" in school.

:D :D


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

He, he, yeah, Press is well to the left of me, but he makes a couple of good points. I like Bush personally much more than Cheney. Cheney couldn't get elected as dog catcher if he relied upon my vote. Blech!

Bush would make a great dog catcher! :p


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Listen very carefully to what Bill Press says and then do the exact opposite. You'll never go wrong!


Oct 9, 1999
Who would you believe, Bill Press or Joe LIEBERMAN

"I have great respect for Dick Cheney. He was a very distinguished Secretary of Defense, and I don't have anything negative to say about him."

In this case I would agree with Liberman.

Anyone of us can dreg through the sewers of the Web and find disparaging articles about the candidates. Some have validity, most do not. I am curious Chess9, why you feel the need to start a topic based on an article that does not address any issuses of the campaign but is just another smear attempt.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
my god... someone agreeing with Lieberman. *ouch* I feel sorry for you. The man is just plain dumb. In the debates, he was quoting Gore's stupid little cliches (Did I spell that right?), he shook his head like a little child when he didn't agree instead of waiting his turn to state what his thoughts were (like the GoodGuys did), he lied outright (like Gore did outright SEVERAL times in his debates), at times, he wasn't logical, etc.

Good grief. I'd rather have a borning man who's right than a moron...


Oct 9, 1999
FFMCobalt, the difference is I think someone can disagree with someones politics without thinking they are "dumb".
What I disagree with in Chess9's post is his lowly attempt at smearing the other sides candidates based on some way left wing reporters story that is just an opionion. Now when the vice-presidential candidate of his own party has repsect for Cheney and respects the service he has done for country, it would seem that anyone with any shred of self-respect would do the same and not sink to the level of a "Bill Press".


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
FullofCobalt: Etech is on YOUR side. He was simply arguing that if Lieberman thinks Cheney is a fine man, everyone else should think so, particularly picky me. Sorry, but that wasn't a debate, it was a hand holding ceremony. "Let's see if we can both get through this really stupid moment in history." I give no weight to Lieberman's comment. Just being polite.


Oct 9, 1999
FFMCobalt ?, what in my post did you miscontrue as to you should not have your own opionion?
Everyone is entitled to their own opionion, even when they are wrong. :)


Oct 9, 1999
Chess9, thinks but I will defend my own posts without your misguided attempts.

My point was. I would put much more weight to what Leiberman said then what some lowly leftist reporter who is trying to sell stories published.

"I give no weight to Lieberman's comment."
Does this mean you think Lieberman was exxagerating?



Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Cheney is a very sharp, impressive individual. I'm surprised his intelligence doesn't appeal to folks like chess9. chess9, when you use terms like "Oil MagNut" you're simply slandering him. What's so damn wrong with making money? Entrepreneurs and businesses create and grow our economy. I should think you?d be overjoyed at the tax revenues they generate and would give them freedom to make more money for Washington.

On a couple of issues regarding women?s earnings and gays, Cheney did not provide a good answer. Yes, this will bother some who feel these are indeed ?critical? issues. When have republicans ever been great at social issues?


Oct 9, 1999
"half the equation, the way it is delivered is the other half "
Sorry, I always thought half and half meant 50/50 therefore = ;)

"You have to admit that Cheney actually was able to get the Message out where as Bush was struggling just trying not to sound like a buffoon."
Actually no, I do not admit or subscribe to that. I think Bush did a good job in the debate. Chances are very good that he will do even better in the next due to the format. I think the "buffoon","didn't have a clue" statement is way outside of the truth.

Red, I have to say I suspect your motives in attacking both of the candidates, but I don't know enough of your politics to ascern the reason.
I do notice that you attack both(with Bush getting most of your ire), and perhaps you have posted this and I have missed it, what do you want from the government? How would you change the system?

Attacks without solutions are pointless. IMHO



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
<--CHEER 4 RED-->

--oh wait... he doesn't like me. crap. ;)

Damn, boy, speak up like that more often!!

<< &quot;Where my THUGS at!&quot; >>



Senior member
Feb 18, 2000
It's weird he would pick that topic to rag Cheney on. Cheney has a daughter that is openly gay, anybody who knows this, as he certainly does, should easily see that you would have to wrestle over the issue when it is a family issue. Cheney did not end up on the right wing side, he said as quoted from CNN, &quot;People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to. Should these relationships be treated the way traditional marriage is? That is a tougher problem. I try to be open minded as much as I can.&quot;
I remember that lieberman also hedged on openly supporting Gay marriages. If anything Lieberman loses on this point for not openly advocating the passage of laws to support gay marriages, since he came off as having about the same stance as Cheney who is supposedly &quot;far right&quot;. The problem for Lieberman is that despite all the media hype, Cheney didnt come off as far right at all, he came off as very very moderate. I dont know if that is the real Cheney or not. I've heard of his voting from many years ago, but lives change over the years and hopefully you are open to changing your opinions with the times. It seems that Mr Cheney has a familial reason to have changed his opinions, if he did change them.



Oct 9, 1999
Dang, gotta mark this day in the calander.

Red, I think we agree that the parties need reforming.
Perhaps the best method is from working from both within and from the outside of the parties. It is difficult to change such a large system.
We definately agree that the electoral college is outdated and obsolete. Your ideas on the Popular vote are interesting and with the advent of electronic communications(and possibly voting) is becoming more and more possible.

Where we disagree is calling either Gore or Bush buffoons, idiots, simpletons etc. Neither one of them is any of those things and it does not do us credit to try and demonize them. I support Bush/Cheney because they do represent the direction I believe the country should go in.

So how do you reccomend that we start to get rid of the electoral college.