Bill Clinton Says Trump Could Win GOP Nomination


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2014

September 26, 2015, 12:42 pm Bill Clinton: Trump could win nomination

By Ben Kamisar


President Bill Clinton says Donald Trump could win the GOP nomination thanks to his ability to promote a unique personal brand.
“He’s a master brander,” Clinton said during an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Saturday.

Of course many of you know better than Clinton.


May 28, 2007
Everything Bill Clinton says is calculated for effect. The only reason he says this is because he thinks it will help Hillary in some way. It has nothing to do with him sincerely believing that Trump could win, he doesn't give a shit about that.


Nov 11, 1999
Everything Bill Clinton says is calculated for effect. The only reason he says this is because he thinks it will help Hillary in some way. It has nothing to do with him sincerely believing that Trump could win, he doesn't give a shit about that.

That's not what I got out of the video at all. I like what he said about branding & resentment. There's a rich vein of it among conservatives that Trump has tapped into, make no mistake about it.

Rhonda the Sly

Senior member
Nov 22, 2007
Lots of people say lots of things but, being as early as it is, Trump does look like he has a (declining) chance to win. If Trump wins the primary, I don't know what happens from there - would the GOP establishment types have enough confidence in him to support him? If he doesn't, how many squishy centrist does the GOP have to have fall before the Democrats before they try to go their own way?

These certainly are interesting times, if anything.


Aug 5, 2000
What I'm much more interested in is who Trump will pick for his cabinet postings, his choices for the USSC and if he gets the nomination, his running mate.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
What I'm much more interested in is who Trump will pick for his cabinet postings, his choices for the USSC and if he gets the nomination, his running mate.

Sarah Palin, Bozo & Ronald McDonald.

If that's not enough, there are plenty of circuses in the country which I am sure would be willing to donate a few clowns.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Clinton is right here. Trump has a chance to win. It may be a small one, but it is legitimate. Usually, the primary/caucus process would weed these guys out well before now, but it hasn't due to the crazies increasingly running the show in the GOP.


Aug 5, 2000
How's he supposed to win if he's at war with Fox News? :-D

Makes sense given how powerful the propaganda FOX dispenses is.

That being said, I think any conservative worth their pedigree also knows what a crock of shit FOX is selling over there and that most of FOX's listeners who have any intellect at all are viewing their content from a skeptically knowing yet sympathetic point of view as FOX is THE standard bearer for the Repub Party and a tip-o-the-hat is due them for that fact alone.

These reasoned conservatives also know that FOX is providing for them an essential yet blatantly underhanded service by rallying their base and keeping them riled up enough to care to vote en mass. FOX in turn gets a never ending flow of cash into their coffers.

That's a kind of symbiotic relationship that's macabre and contrarian in nature seeing as if that relationship is more suicidal than beneficial at the moment.


Nov 11, 1999
Makes sense given how powerful the propaganda FOX dispenses is.

That being said, I think any conservative worth their pedigree also knows what a crock of shit FOX is selling over there and that most of FOX's listeners who have any intellect at all are viewing their content from a skeptically knowing yet sympathetic point of view as FOX is THE standard bearer for the Repub Party and a tip-o-the-hat is due them for that fact alone.

These reasoned conservatives also know that FOX is providing for them an essential yet blatantly underhanded service by rallying their base and keeping them riled up enough to care to vote en mass. FOX in turn gets a never ending flow of cash into their coffers.

That's a kind of symbiotic relationship that's macabre and contrarian in nature seeing as if that relationship is more suicidal than beneficial at the moment.

Trump is definitely an anomaly in Republican land.

The relationship you describe between Fox & the GOP is ancient history. Fox News & mega billionaire money split with the RNC, created the tea party & sustain it today, preventing the GOP from evolving in a rational direction. They hold the party hostage to their desires. Trump, however, stepped in to provide the irrational mob with what they crave above all else- charismatic leadership. He's stealing their base, replacing their leadership with his own & Fox can't be happy about that.


Aug 5, 2000
Trump is definitely an anomaly in Republican land.

The relationship you describe between Fox & the GOP is ancient history. Fox News & mega billionaire money split with the RNC, created the tea party & sustain it today, preventing the GOP from evolving in a rational direction. They hold the party hostage to their desires. Trump, however, stepped in to provide the irrational mob with what they crave above all else- charismatic leadership. He's stealing their base, replacing their leadership with his own & Fox can't be happy about that.

As I look back and reflect on the state of politics from that time frame, not saying much coming from me, but I have to agree with you on that.

Trump, yeah Trump took a flying leap from Wonderland into Barnum and Bailey's big tent (owned/op'ed by R. Murdoch, naturally) and exposed what a risky gamble it is to launch a coup like that due to the mercurial nature of fucking around with people's heads. They couldn't have set things up better for Trump if they actually intended to.

In this I give Trump a slap on the back and an affectionate noogie on that divot looking doo he sports on his head. He may be a flash in the pan, but in the end, I think his antics will prove more beneficial than detrimental for all parties involved.
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Apr 8, 2002
Clinton is right here. Trump has a chance to win. It may be a small one, but it is legitimate. Usually, the primary/caucus process would weed these guys out well before now, but it hasn't due to the crazies increasingly running the show in the GOP.

The primary season hasnt even started yet.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
I agree with him.

It's rather sad when Trump sounds like the most sane of them running for the GOP.

I suspect its going to be trump and clinton. whoo! fucking great choice..bah


Jun 23, 2005
I remember Bill saying Obama wasn't ready to be president when Hillary was still vying for the nomination in 08. Once Obama clinched it and Bill put his support behind him he was asked about that quote. Basically his response was "No one is truly prepared for the awesome responsibility of being POTUS".

So then why say it? His words are always dictated towards accomplishing a goal. Which is par for the course in this business, but it's not as though he's offering non biased gospel on a situation or anything.