A couple of comments at the end of a threads or two is not an indication of "definate" bias at any review site.
Expecially when the comments come from one of the Hot Topic threads like AMD vs Intel, SCSI vs IDE,
DDR vs RDRAM, ATI vs NVidia, Less Filling vs Tastes Great, etc... Where by that point in the thread the
posters are reading their own bias/agenda into the conversation regardless of what the article being
discussed says.
Having said that...
ALL Sites are Biased!!!... all review sites will give you information based on their knowledge
and point of view. And since no site has all the information, what they give you is going to be slightly colored by
that POV.
The difference is in how they handle that Bias; a site like THG tends to rely on different writers to each do their
own reviews, so regular readers to that site can (most of the time) tell which way a particular article will lean based
on who wrote it. Tom himself seemed to be more even handed in his reviews (after a while he just didn't like anybody

The way Anandtech seems to deal with potential bias, from my experience, is that they try to carefully consider
the features of each technology for what the average, power user wants from it. After that, it matters less whether
they like the technology, as whether the features of the technology work as advertised and can be usuable to
the people that may want to buy it. They might show bias after that, but always when they can point back to
something in the article giving a real reason behind their point of view.
You may notice one of the first forums you hit here is for
Anandtech Articles where anyone is free to point out
flaws they might see in a given article, or make suggestions to help the AT crew improve reviews going forward.
All in all, I think AT has a distinct "flavor" but I don't find it any more biased than the other good hardware review
sites out there, and a lot more even-handed than some of the mediocre sites.
But thats just my opinion...