BF2 crashes to desktop


Jul 21, 2005
my bro just bought an ASRock dual-sata2 ULI board, my old opteron 144 and a WD 250gb sataII HDD.

we just installed BF2 earlier tonight, but whenever we tried to join a server, it would crash to desktop about half-way through loading.

the system was overclocked, so i tried running it at stock, but the same thing happens.

googling this problem, it seems like A LOT of people have the same problem, but i was unable to find a solution.

i'm not at his house anymore, but i told him to try different drivers (he was using the BETA 91.33 at the time).

other things you may need to know, is he using the latest ULI drivers from the nvidia site and hes using patch 1.3.

i'm thinking it's either a problem with BF2 itself, or it might be a driver problem, or it might be because he has to use a different resolution as BF2 doesnt support widescreen. he tried doing the widescreen hack that was posted on the widescreengamingforums.


Oct 11, 1999
It may just be the 1.3 patch. I've never had it quit to desktop in the middle of loading, but I've had it quit for no reason when it was loaded and I click Join Game. It also quits in-game back to menu often when it loses connection to server but I believe that is also a 1.3 issue since the whole server goes down.

Other than that, keep everything at stock speeds, maybe try reinstalling the game again?


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
I had this problem twice with BF2. Once it was a graphics card driver issue so check those. Just because it's the latest driver does NOT mean you're ok. Try a couple of the older versions first. What card does he have? If one of us has it we can tell him what drivers we use.

The second time I was running Folding@Home. Aparently there is a knows issue with folding and BF2, it crashes the game. I don't know if the same is true of SETI or anything, but it could be a background program he is running as well.

Lastly, BF2 is retartedly memory intensive. I run a slower system but 2gigs of memory, while my bro runs a much faster system but only 1 gig of memory. I can play on medium graphics with good FPS, he has to play on low graphics and it still lags some. Perhaps he should try turning his graphics settings down. If he has lower than 1gig of memory and he is playing with the graphics way up and alot of other programs in the background it is possible (not probable though) that he is literally running out of memory trying to load all of the textures.

Does it always crash in the same place?
Does it crash on more than 1 server?
Does it crash if it loads more than 1 map?

It could be a faulty install as well.
Jun 21, 2005
I think I have that same ASrock board. I've found that I get both the cold boot lockups and the odd BF2 crash to desktop. With BF2 I just wait a good 15 seconds after the join button appears before I actually click it. This works. Now this is a ritual. Either it prevents something from happening or it appeases the gods so that they prevent something from happening. Either way I'm happy.

I would not buy this board again.