Best value (non-Dell) high-end LCDs?


Jan 25, 2000
I need some DVI-I 19" LCDs in bulk. Minimum specs are 600:1 contrast ratio (which probably rules out 95% of all models); client specified max. .24mm dot pitch but I doubt that applies to LCDs. I don't recall what luminence would be considered high-end, but feel free to make a suggestion. Only caveat is that they *must* be resold through reseller channels. That rules out Dell or any B&M-only models.

I'd like a suggestion on best bang-for-the buck. What's better than the Sony SDM-X93? Thanks.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
Samsung 191t, 192t, and 191t+ I think meet those specs, except for the .24mm dot pitch, but I don't know of any LCD's that have one that low.


Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2001
i wouldn't buy any of the lcd's out right now if your a gamer
the 12ms displays should come out in various sizes (other than 17") over the next few months

also prices on lcd's should fall as time goes on and new models come out

i think lcd sales rose by like 20% last year
this year they are projecting more than 30% increase
also supposedly the supplies are tight and this might be increasing lcd prices right now

but if you absolutely must get one soon then make sure you get something with atleast 16ms response time (12ms if any place has them in stock)

good luck

ok this time i actually read your post and see you are buying it for a customer
so i guess you prob won't be waiting on prices and such
if you can get a 12ms lcd that is top of the line tho


Golden Member
Sep 18, 2002
I have a Samsung 192t and its great. I have a number of posts on here about it if you want to search. And don't pay attention to just response time for gaming. Its somewhat helpful, but thats it. Mine is rated at 25ms and I just got done playing Call of Duty, no ghosting trouble. Response time only measures a certain type of pixel refresh, there is more then one involved.


Jan 25, 2000
Knew I should have posted in Off-Topic for all the nefs to respond. ;)

I priced out the Sony SDM-X93 for the client at $699 a pop, but I'm sure there's a better value product out there (besides Dell). Unfortunately, the Samsung 192T costs even more right now. Can't believe LCD costs went up so much in the past 4 months.

These displays will not be used for gaming, but for graphics design/production.

Any other suggestions?


Mar 9, 2004
I've been looking at the new Planar PX191; I'm currently using a Planar PL191M--we've purchased over 20 of them for our developers. I have been very happy with both the performance and quality of the picture. The PX191 has better specs--brighter screen, not as bulky. Very nice looking monitor. I am disapointed the price is still so high, but they really are nice to look at all day long. The sony would be just as good i would imagine.

Best of luck,



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: manly
Knew I should have posted in Off-Topic for all the nefs to respond. ;)

These displays will not be used for gaming, but for graphics design/production.

Any other suggestions?

Yes -- talk to the people who will actually be using the displays. If they're doing graphics/art work, LCD displays may not be the best option, since their color reproduction is not as good as a decent CRT. CRTs are also cheaper (until you get into the uber-high-end professional ones). If they're not concerned about this, purchase away. :)


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Matthias99
Originally posted by: manly
Knew I should have posted in Off-Topic for all the nefs to respond. ;)

These displays will not be used for gaming, but for graphics design/production.

Any other suggestions?

Yes -- talk to the people who will actually be using the displays. If they're doing graphics/art work, LCD displays may not be the best option, since their color reproduction is not as good as a decent CRT. CRTs are also cheaper (until you get into the uber-high-end professional ones). If they're not concerned about this, purchase away. :)
Good points.

Any final model recommendations?