On my setup I haven't noticed any difference when I switched from Arctic Silver 3 to Arctic Silver 5. I'd use what you got left for AS3, before buying anything else.
Originally posted by: dml54
On my setup I haven't noticed any difference when I switched from Arctic Silver 3 to Arctic Silver 5. I'd use what you got left for AS3, before buying anything else.
I would use my Arctic Silver 3 but I left the cap out and it's been sitting inside the drawer for about 1 year. My XP2600 hovers around 105 degrees on my slk-800 with Panaflo.
I applied my AS3 about 2 weeks ago and it's giving me this result.
So, what is the best thermal grease out there right now?
Arctic Silver 5 or OCZ Ultra 5+ (rebadged AS5) is tops on my list.
Your AS3 should be fine and buying AS5 would yield little if any difference. I don't think Arctic Silver seperates over time, which is one of the main advantages of it (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Your temps are good... that's about 40C?
And of course a vote for ceramique; apply as in nokiadude's instructions with same warning, nonconductive, after burnin time amazing (to me but I'm easily dazzled) temp drops
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