a good site that i like is
nali city. also, if you note the news page when you just start the game and they display the news, there are some links to the maps page as well...
for more selections of map server, go and search from
to install the maps, basically you just extract them to the appropriate directories (most of them comes in zip files). if you don't know where they should go, look at the file extensions and find the directory where those files usually resides (i can only remember the .umx files to go the music directory, and .utx goes to textures directory).
and yes, it helps
a lot to download the maps from out of the game, since if you download them ingame, the server have to serve the players plus your download, making it a lot slower... plus that only puts the files in your cache directory and they'll expire eventually....
it's a good idea to do a backup of all the maps you download, so the next time you format your compie you won't have to search for those anymore..
if you're having problems with those, i'll check when i get home tonite...
happy fragging