i want something that will let me change frontside bus and voltage and the native fsb needs to be able to go to atleast to 200mhz. i found a $30 dfi would that be an upgrade from my ecs kt600-a?
Sell your SOcket A parts and get a cheap 939 (or even 754) based system. There is no point whatsoever of upgrading to an outdated platform. I think Outpost was running a deal which included motherboard and processor for $169.
The NF7-S2 is horrible. The good one is the NF7-S Ver 2.0.
i was going to do the 939 thing but decided to wait till next year, maybe the a8n-e premium will be out so for now i'm just going to get the abit nf7-s2 it has softmenu so its gotta be better than what i have now, atleast it allows me to overclock without shoving copper wire in the socket to change vCore.
Do not get the NF7-S2. It is HORRIBLE. You are confusing it with the much much better Ver 2.0.
There is no point in waiting for next year for socket 939. By the Second half of next year a new socket will be out and AMD will be using DDR2. The latest i would wait is early fall.
yes i know that!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be upgrading next year, right now i dont really have a lot of moeny to do it. so i'll get this moterboard so i can hold off for a while. isn't there a new socket coming out anyway, and isnt 939 just about to not be the top socket?????? why would i need the v2.0???? what does it do does allow me to overclock better? and how?
I currently have the NF7-SG2. The NF7-S2 and NF7-SG2 do not have multiplier access in the BIOS, only FSB. My understanding is the NF7 Ver.2.0 has the full soft-menu options.
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