best snack-replacement foods for satisfying cravings?


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
hey, so after eating pizzahuts like every other day for a year, I'm unsurprisingly quite overweight

but every time I try just eating sandwiches for lunch, I just get bored and pig on some cake or something...

So what are some foods that are like nicotine patches for addicts of unhealthy foods :< ?



May 17, 2008
If you want to get filled up..try a tuna sandwich on wheat bread with low fat mayo (if you liek mayo). Also you can try peanut butter or roasted almonds/peanuts. Basically something that involves protein, but isnt a meal in itself.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
mm, the problem isnt being hungry really, I was more after suggestions of something to eat instead of grabbing that bar of chocolate or slice of cake... since i really have no self control


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
Learning self control is probably the best idea. Learn to not eat when you're not hungry.

As for if you must eat something, then try something that takes a long time to eat but is low in calories. Maybe raw celery?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
drink lots of water, it fills you up and no calories. And anything high in fiber will make you feel more full.

If the problem is self control don't buy the junk food, if it's not there to eat you can't eat it ;)

Changing your diet isn't much fun I know, I'm doing it now, but it has to be done if you're serious about losing weight.


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Money
mm, the problem isnt being hungry really, I was more after suggestions of something to eat instead of grabbing that bar of chocolate or slice of cake... since i really have no self control

You're not going to get anywhere until you conquer that.

I was like that once. I struggled for years and then I went through a sudden mental shift where I realized that you only have one body and that I was poisoning it with processed shit food on a daily basis and that it needed to stop.

You say you "grab a bar of chocolate or a slice of cake" -- well, where the hell is that coming from? Close the source. Go to the grocery store RIGHT after a meal and you will be less inclined to buy foods you don't really want or need. And learn to love fruits and veggies. That's the key to weight loss and changing your diet up.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: z1ggy
celery and peanut butter woudl be a good one.

I disagree. Very easy to over eat peanut butter to the point that the cake would have been better.

OP: your still looking for magic bullets. Your solution is a lifestyle change. You must become that person that just eats healthy all the time. THis will require shopping lists and food prep....and like I said....a lifestyle change.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Money
mm, the problem isnt being hungry really, I was more after suggestions of something to eat instead of grabbing that bar of chocolate or slice of cake... since i really have no self control
No food will give you self-control.

If you are used to junk food and crap nothing but junk food will satisfy your cravings. I won't lie and pretend that an apple is a replacement for a piece of cake because it's not and never will be for you. It's not for me, either. I am fit because I constantly struggle with diet, day in and day out. I have to continually remind myself that it's worth it not to overeat and to say no to the junk that my stomach asks for. It is not easy and will not ever be easy. It is worth it, however.

There is no magic bullet. Every person you see in great shape has put a vast amount of effort into it. If you are not willing to put in the effort, you will not reach the goals you have. Make no mistake: it is absolutely not ever going to be easy to get in great shape. As mentioned above, don't look for a magic bullet. It will constantly disappoint because it doesn't exist.

Like I said, it's definitely worth it. But as with most things in life, the things worth having take pain and attention and diligence.


May 17, 2008
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: z1ggy
celery and peanut butter woudl be a good one.

I disagree. Very easy to over eat peanut butter to the point that the cake would have been better.

OP: your still looking for magic bullets. Your solution is a lifestyle change. You must become that person that just eats healthy all the time. THis will require shopping lists and food prep....and like I said....a lifestyle change.

Well in modertion of course. It is the part of the lifestyle change. It is something you have to learn and adjust to. Plus you shud try to be eating something every 3-4 hours, which can be hard but will keep you feeling full too.Just make sure its not garbage food.


I've found that lean grilled meats and raw or cooked vegetables with no high calorie ingredients added in the preparation are filling, stay with you for a while, and won't add much to your calorie balance. I've been known to eat nothing but a few grilled chicken breasts for an end of the day meal when I'm close to my calorie budget. It's a great shot of protein and you can eat a surprising amount of it before you rack up any serious calories. Staying away from high carb foods in general will cause you to be much less hungry throughout the day anyway. If you want to reduce the chances of a cake craving in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon, then try not to eat too much of anything sweet or starchy for breakfast or lunch. Instead, stick with lean meat and vegetables mostly and you'll stay full longer and reduce your sugar cravings.
Mar 22, 2002
The best snack-replacement is to severely modify your diet. Once you do that, your body won't really crave foods like pizza or cake like it did before. Having a healthy diet high in veggies, fruits, fats (nuts are especially good), good sources carbs, etc your body will actually feel crappy after eating stuff like that. Cake gives me a freaking headrush like no other nowadays. If you look at the fat loss sticky at the top of the forums, there is a list of good foods and some advice on how to lose some weight. Take what you will from the thread - hopefully it'll help you out.


Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2002
I really like putting plain unsalted almonds in no fat yogurt, any flavour, I get the crunch and sweet taste of yogurt. I buy the no fat miracle whip as well, and making a dip out of that with olive oil and oregano, basil and lemon is pretty good for dipping veggies.

I watched some show, where a guy said, to try to trick your brain from craving to something negative instead. He said squeeze the inside of your hand between the thumb and pointer finger and think of the most rancid fowl thing you can think of, mine was drinking rotten milk :p When you get a craving, do this and the craving will go away. I dunno if it works, I don't really use it, but instead just choose a healthy snack like an apple or something.

Keeping yourself busy is a good thing too, so you don't get bored, that's when I find myself looking for food.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Kicking sugar and fatty addictions can be very tough.

Not everyone on here will agree, but I think if you've never done it, fasting for 1-3 days could help. Doing just water is harsh, or you could take some juice, tea, and supplements. Sugar is addictive and you will go through physical withdrawal from it. Realize this is not a quick fix, you will rebound to junk food if you fast and don't prepare. I'm not big on motivational sayings but a big true one is "fail to plan = plan to fail." so do your homework on fasts and plan the days before, during, and after a fast. Hitting the reset button on your body can have a huge effect.

After you kick any physical addictions, then it is psychological conditioning, the pizza hut advertising, commercials, and just strange compulsion to eat junk. You have to fight your own conditioning at that point and it's one day at a time to not follow old patterns.

What's helping me a lot is I have a very tight budget and in some ways near broke while paying off debt. So I have been avoiding a lot of Junk and eating in because junk is expensive.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: Titan
Kicking sugar and fatty addictions can be very tough.

Not everyone on here will agree, but I think if you've never done it, fasting for 1-3 days could help. Doing just water is harsh, or you could take some juice, tea, and supplements. Sugar is addictive and you will go through physical withdrawal from it. Realize this is not a quick fix, you will rebound to junk food if you fast and don't prepare. I'm not big on motivational sayings but a big true one is "fail to plan = plan to fail." so do your homework on fasts and plan the days before, during, and after a fast. Hitting the reset button on your body can have a huge effect.

After you kick any physical addictions, then it is psychological conditioning, the pizza hut advertising, commercials, and just strange compulsion to eat junk. You have to fight your own conditioning at that point and it's one day at a time to not follow old patterns.

What's helping me a lot is I have a very tight budget and in some ways near broke while paying off debt. So I have been avoiding a lot of Junk and eating in because junk is expensive.

No. This is so much fail. Fasting provides no benefit and will make cravings 1000% worse. No fasts. The best way to control hunger is by incorporating high fiber intake with an increase in healthy fats in the diet. That will help practically kill cravings. There's no way to completely do away with them, but it will definitely give you the ability to have greater self control.
Oct 16, 1999
I have added yogurt and peanut butter & honey sandwiches to my diet as substitutes for unhealthier stuff I'd otherwise snack on. I get this peanut butter specifically as it tastes much like the popular brands without all the stuff that makes those pretty bad for you.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2007
Instead of eating a whole piece of cake or chocolate bar, try just having a small piece if you really must.
Mar 22, 2002
Also, keep in mind - if you eat a piece of fruit by itself, it will often make your hunger worse. Carbs don't really satiate much unless they are extremely fibrous and even then it's limited. I always pair a carb snack with some fats (ie apple or banana and a small amount of peanut butter or a small handful of almonds). Fats really slow digestion and make your body feel much more full than anything else.


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2007
I'm trying to the same thing... so far grapes and bananas are doing alright. But then again I just bought 2 packages of Klondikes on sale and have been eating two of those a day... If I only I could cut out cookies and ice creams. I'm thinking about trying celery+peanut butter. Also... I find gum helps a bit with the sugar cravings as well.

Sugar... is a drug!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
my staples are

beef jerky
cottage cheese + peanut butter + wheat germ

usually i'll throw in a glass of milk with a snack or just by itself as well

always have water on hand next to you helps too

i bring 2 32 oz bottles to work with me

eating a balanced meal during your main meals goes a long way also


Jul 12, 2004
my new thing is an apple sliced up with 2 tablespoons of natty peanut butter on the slices. Very healthy, and you will be surprised how full you feel. Its a very good snack/meal, just low on protein.


Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2002
I like to freeze fruit, fresh grapes in a ziplock and freeze them it's like popping mini popsicles :p Watermelon freezes well too for a "popping" in the mouth type snack.