DOOOOOOON'T use the '6032's!!! They are evil and will put hair on your the palms of your hands and the pads of your feet!! Seriously, though - although each and every (unofficial) Radeon driver revision has had some sort of graphical/speed improvement/tradeoff since the last official releases, this LAST set (6032) has only had: drops in speed/framerates; missing apps in the GUI; artifacts/issues/crashes in OpenGL; even the occasional no video at all. And that was just from the five of MY friends that tried 'em out! I've read a straight comparison of the last five iterations of drivers from a link I saw at ard OCP substantiating most of what I just told you - if I can dig up the link, I'll repost with it later. But, for my money, I'd stick with the 6025's. Just my nickel.