Originally posted by: Omegachi
i read a lot of good ratings for "calling all cars", i might buy this off of the network. from what i gathered, this is a cartoonish version of twisted metal?
its fun, definitely. but, there isn't any kind of true campaign mode. It's really just playing a playing a level in multiplayer with bots instead of people.
It's fun with friends so if you get a group to play with its a great cheap multiplayer game. But don't add the online component as something to give it more value: the online has died - at least, when i tried to play it online a week ago the servers were a ghost town. so people might play online but its going to be random, don't bet on it. When it came out the servers were populated.
Not sure what the going rate is for it now, but I got it when it was new at $10. If it still costs $10, it's up to you, but I'd wait till its available for $5 again. It might be $5 right now though, no idea. Definitely worth it if you have people to play it with - otherwise it's 5 maps to play with bots.
It's a fun game where you have to blast away other people to get a hold of the bad guy and drive him into various goals worth varying amounts of points. With real people it can get intense as you try and either steal the guy from your friend or hectically try to evade your friends as you drive toward one of the goals on the map. I think all the maps have stationary 'jails', but sometimes they close up and a mobile goal - like a helicopter or wagon - will become available.