Best PDA w/ wireless lan (WiFi)


Mar 24, 2003
I'm looking for a PDA w/ Wireless LAN (WiFi) capabilities. Not sure whether to insist on having WiFi integrated, or consider cheaper models and add WiFi separately (via SD add-on card)?

What I'm looking for:

Color display quality: I've read reviews about the next 480x640 vga displays, but sounds like they're slated for mid/late 2004, and they come w/ their own problems: power consumption, and size. It looks like 240x320 are about average for pda's.

Web browsing/email: From what I've read, PPC may be a little better. But, since I haven't browsed the web on a PDA before, not sure whether it'll suck or just be OK.

Here are some of the models I'm considering:

HP iPAQ 4155: like the integrated Wi-Fi, not sure if I'll ever use bluetooth. Average screen, power consumption.

Palm Tungsten T3: 320x480 screen, which probably makes a big difference in viewing experience. need separate Wifi card.

Toshiba e405: Average features, need separate Wifi card. less pricey than 4155.

Dell Axim X3i: Average features, integrated Wi-fi.

Any other models worth considering? I've been using my Handspring Visor for the past 4/5 years (since they first came out), and considering an upgrade :)



Golden Member
Nov 21, 1999
HP's Ipaq H4150.

I recently dropped my cell phone on my H2210 and cracked the crap out of the screen. I now have to pay HP $250 Can for them to fix it. They will be sedning me a brand new one soon, so that is good. I will probably sell it and buy an H4150, as those things have made my mouth drool, and made me angry since I bought the H2210 a couple months before they came out. Do the right thing and get the H4150.


Golden Member
Nov 28, 2003
I'll second that.
The 2210 isn't that bad actually because it has a compact flash card slot along with the secure digital, so you can add a CF WiFi card and still have a slot open for memory expansion, but if you want it built in, the 4150 is a fraction more expensive, and probably the way to go.


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2000
If your already familiar with palm, check out the tungsten c. The wifi works great on it and it's real easy to use. The other one I'd consider would be a tungsten t3 with a wi-fi card (Those are still supposed to come out around christmas right?).


Mar 24, 2003
Any references to side-by-side reviews for new PDA models?

I've read many "overall" positive reviews on the iPAQ 4155, but the Tungsten T3 w/ 320x480 is up on my list.


Golden Member
Nov 7, 2000
4150 and 4155 are the same PDA right?

I think I know what I am getting for x mas.

what I dont like is the need for a case to protect the screen. If you use your PDA a lot it become quite bothersome to take it out its case.
I wish they would incorporate a flip cover to these pda's, similar to the old journadas and palm devices.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2002
Originally posted by: CombatChuk
If your already familiar with palm, check out the tungsten c. The wifi works great on it and it's real easy to use. The other one I'd consider would be a tungsten t3 with a wi-fi card (Those are still supposed to come out around christmas right?).

IIRC, the sandisk SD card drivers were pushed back into the first quarter of 2004


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001
The ipaq 2215 is very versatile: fast, dual slots, lightweight, etc. It doesn't come with wifi, but having a CF wifi card will only be $30 more. CF is great since you can easily buy other peripherals for the 2215 as well.


Mar 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Ionizer86
The ipaq 2215 is very versatile: fast, dual slots, lightweight, etc. It doesn't come with wifi, but having a CF wifi card will only be $30 more. CF is great since you can easily buy other peripherals for the 2215 as well.

Since I NEED Wi-Fi, going w/ 4155 (integrated WiFi) will be alittle cheaper and a lot sleaker ;)

The Tungsten C has a $100 rebate, so that one is moving up my list; but it lacks in the multimedia area...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001
Originally posted by: savx
Originally posted by: Ionizer86
The ipaq 2215 is very versatile: fast, dual slots, lightweight, etc. It doesn't come with wifi, but having a CF wifi card will only be $30 more. CF is great since you can easily buy other peripherals for the 2215 as well.

Since I NEED Wi-Fi, going w/ 4155 (integrated WiFi) will be alittle cheaper and a lot sleaker ;)

The Tungsten C has a $100 rebate, so that one is moving up my list; but it lacks in the multimedia area...

Hehe, sorry :) I just put it on since you've also considered the Toshiba e405, and I really felt the 2155 was worth considering for its expandability, weight, and battery life :)

Lemme also say that the e755 is another choice. I know everyone hates Toshiba and all, but if you want massive expandability, this is the way to go (I got the USB/VGA expansion pack for $30 used).


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2003
Wifi is just for when you are located near an access point right? What if you want to just have internet access anywhere, then what do you need, a modem? My dad wants to be able to go anywhere and have access anywhere to trade stocks, he is willing to pay a monthly fee. I have no idea to start and I'm a bit confused, anyone know what I should get?


Golden Member
Nov 16, 2001
Originally posted by: JimRaynor
Wifi is just for when you are located near an access point right? What if you want to just have internet access anywhere, then what do you need, a modem? My dad wants to be able to go anywhere and have access anywhere to trade stocks, he is willing to pay a monthly fee. I have no idea to start and I'm a bit confused, anyone know what I should get?

Do you really want to be trading stocks over a PDA? Wifi really isn't THAT secure.

If you want access "anywhere" then your best bet is to actually go through a wireless cell phone carrier (verizon, sprint) bigger coverage area or sign up with a wireless company that is national. I am too lazy to look up there name right now.