Best party combo for a Druid in BG1


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm visiting my parents this weekend and that means some gaming time as they go to bed at 7 or 8. My old Win 98 laptop is at their house; great opportunity to scratch the BG1 itch that's been bugging me.

I've never been a druid in any of these games. I think it might be fun to try the Beastmaster route.

But if I remember correctly Jaheira is a druid so I'll have to let her go eventually (and Khalid leaves with her, doesn't he?).

What's the best party config for a druid?


Jun 2, 2005
Khalid leaves with her if you fire her. If she "accidentally" dies, he might stay. I'm not sure; it's been a long time since I played the game.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Khalid leaves if she leaves, no matter what.
Also same for Dynhaier and Misnc, Montaron and Xzar, and two others (I forget). Also, several members leave permanently if you ever ask them to leave once. They disappear off the game map and you cant get them back.
All reasons why I prefer BG2.

As with most things in D&D, you want party balance. If your main PC is a druid, they can almost take the place of a cleric, except they cant turn undead or use decent equipment. I would make a party as normal (fighter, thief, cleric, mage) and then consider your druid to be the "extra" class in the group. Then your choice of PC number 6, they could be anything.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
You know... accidents happen... Jaheira could try to solo an Ogre Berserker... with fists and no armor. Khalid will understand :p And won't leave. But... why would you keep Khalid? He's a weakling imo. You got so many great fighters available - Minsc, Kivan, Kagain and Shar-Teel are all very good (something that can't be said about the half-elf). And all 3 can join you very early in the game.

I'd say if you want to play a druid with an evil party go for: Shar-Teel (fighter), Kagain (fighter), Viconia (cleric), Edwin (mage) and Safana (thief - she's neutral, but so are you :p).
For a good party I'd say: Minsc (ranger), Ajantis (paladin), Branwen (cleric - neutral though), Dynaheir (mage) and Imoen (thief).

And get some nice mods, like Tutu, will make BG1 run in BG2's engine. Then add the BG1 NPC Project for plenty talks between NPCs and a possible romance with some of them. Include the Level 1 NPCs mod so your companions will have the proficiencies you wish. If there's anything that you didn't like in the vanilla BG1, this BG1 tweak mod will probably allow you to change it.

And enjoy! :)


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
I did get to put about 15 hours into the game over two nights this weekend. What a great retro experience.

I loved revisiting the areas and hearing the music and dialogue. And running into Daryl and his two brothers (I had forgotten about that).

What a long $%*& game. In 15 hours I completed TWO main quests, the Naskiel mines and rescueing Dynahir (I ended up leaving Jaheira and Khalid at the Gnoll stronghold and doing the mines with 5 characters). I am a deliberate gamer who likes to clear all of the fog, but I didn't remember it being this long.

I mean - how many main quests are there? like 10?

Being a druid early on is kind of lame. I guess I need more levels to flood the battlefield with animals.

As has been said so many times - I feel sorry for the generation of gamer who missed the infinity engine games and can't get past the retro graphics. They're missing out on some of the greatest gaming ever. I don;t even thin the graphics are that bad.

Modding was not an option with my parents dial-up internet connection.


Jun 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Via
Being a druid early on is kind of lame. I guess I need more levels to flood the battlefield with animals.

I prefer Clerics. Especially if you plan on continuing on to BG2. They can Animate Dead, Summon Elementals, and even Gate in a Demon.