Best non-Objective-C based iPhone app developer doodad. You know, like Phonegap


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2005
Is it Phonegap?

Phonegap comes up first when you google "Easiest way to make an iPhone app"

(Unrelated: Google autocompletes to "...kill yourself" when you google "Easiest way to". That's sort of sad)

So what would you recommend for someone who's reasonably programming savvy who wants to make a [relatively simple] iPhone app but doesn't want to bother with Objective-C?


Edit: So Phonegap is called Adobe Cordova now or something? Well, the sample example I found (for Phonegap) was MUCH more interesting (it had a bunch of jQuery stuff) than the pretty-much-nothing hello world you get with Cordova. And the naming thing is really throwing me for a loop. Is it Phonegap? Is it Cordova?
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Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
I thought PhoneGap was a toolkit for creating apps using html + css + javascript. If that's accurate then I don't think you can necessarily compare it to native apps written in Objective C. They both have their places, but in general native apps can do a lot more stuff, and there's a well-developed ecosystem for making money off them.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2005
I thought PhoneGap was a toolkit for creating apps using html + css + javascript. If that's accurate then I don't think you can necessarily compare it to native apps written in Objective C. They both have their places, but in general native apps can do a lot more stuff, and there's a well-developed ecosystem for making money off them.

Well, yeah.

The point: I want to code my app in HTML + JS. I don't want to bother with Objective C. I want it in the app store. I don't care if it makes money, seeing as it'll be a free app (for a friend's business).

I know PhoneGap'll do that. I was just figuring there might be other frameworks out there, and I wanted to see what other people use.