If you already have the CPU and just need a mobo, get one which uses the VIA 694T chipset. You'll have an AGP slot (for a good 3D video card), support for Tualatin CPUs (if you get the itch to upgrade CPU for cheap) and support for those dirt cheap high density sticks of SDRAM you see on Pricewatch for $30 for a 512MB stick. Speaking of which, it will support 1.5GB RAM unlike the runner up chipset, the Intel 815EP B revision, which only supports 512MB maximum. As to _which_ 694T board to get, depends on what one is available. Recently Newegg.com has had the Shuttle AV18ET board for around $60. Basic board with integrated sound and basic overclocking (FSB and vcore). I've had much better luck overclocking with the Abit VH6T because it's more intelligent on the AGP/PCI dividers so you can get in-between speeds to work if you can't get 133FSB, but the board was more expensive and now seems sold out everywhere.