Best memory for S1200KPR with Xeon E3


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2013
Too many options!

I want to buy the Intel S1200KPR with Xeon E3-1245v2. Will be running ESXi 5 with plenty of VM's, so populating full 16GB of RAM.

Intel says MoBO supports: "DDR3 ECC/nonECC UDIMM 1066 1333"
Willing to pay for the good stuff. So ECC for sure.

Intel -> Their "supported memory" site has no listing for S1200KPR board (only the S1200KP)

Crucial -> Has no DIMMs larger than 4GB listed for S1200KPR board.

Kingston -> Has waaay too much choice.
For this mobo, they offer the following ECC, Unbuffered, 1333Mhz:
- KVR13E9/8HM
- KVR13E9/8I
- KVR1333D3E9S/8G
and they have some at 1600Mhz they claim will work for the S1200KPR
- KVR16E11/8I
- KVR16E11/8
(I'd love to use 1600MHz if I could, but it's not listed by Intel, so that's scary.)

Help! Can anyone tell me what's the fastest/bestest RAM that's guaranteed to work in this config?


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2013
I wish I could use a different MB!

But one requirement I have is to fit 2 of these servers into my carry-on luggage on the plane. Size and - especially - weight restrictions are strict. Laptop and papers in briefcase, then 2 servers in a small suitcase. 10kg/22lbs max, including the bag itself... plus a fresh shirt and the smallest toothbrush I can find.

So I chose mini-ITX form factor, and Mini-Box M350 case. The only real problem with mini-ITX boards (for me) is the 16GB RAM constraint, but everything else works really well.

Still hoping someone can recommend fastest RAM this system can handle properly!