best home theater setup for under 300$?


Senior member
Mar 12, 2002
I've been looking at some packages, firstly I was going to assemble my own system but that would be over my 300$ limit. I want something either 5.1 or 4.1. I was looking at some sony home theater packages, but I listened to them and the speakers seemed kind of cheapo.

My current idea is to get some klipsch promedia 4.1s, which would run me about 250$, that seems to be the best solution so far. Can anyone here recommend any better packages/setups that would be better than the klipschs?

BTW this will be hooked up to my soundcard on my computer.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
man, have i been in the same boat as you for a while... after a good month of researching, i found the (unfortunate) answer: "best" is relative. i wanted to get a simple dvd player, it has now ballooned into a full-fledged home theater setup which i'm doing my best to keep under $1000, though i haven't spent a dime yet (still need more money). what i can tell you is this: you will be looking to upgrade from whatever package you have, and pretty soon, too. it sounds bad, but is true. it would be much wiser for you to save up enough money to buy a proper home theater rather than buy something now and a new setup 3-6 months from now, after you decide that you need more. i wish it weren't so, but that's really the way it is when it comes to this. ask anyone here who has a home theater, they'll wholeheartedly agree.
having said that, if you are still really keen on buying a 4.1 package the logitechs are the best bang for your buck (you can add a center channel speaker, but don't expect too much), but bd2003 might chime in here to tell you that the videologic digitheater dts 5.1 is your best bet, though it will come in $50 over your stated budget (shipped). again, i can't stress enough that you should wait until you can afford to do it right the first time. no one gets as dissatisfied with their purchases as home theater enthusiasts (said lovingly :)).

<--- soon to be even more broke, as soon as he finds a nice slim silver dvd player that plays mp3s, svcds, and all formats of recordable dvds