Best ANALOG capture card?


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2000
Hey all!

I have a quick question - I recently got an analog video camera for a wedding gift. It's not firewire, so I can't go that route. But, I'd like to be able to capture the video on my PC through a capture card.

Here are the only real options I've come up with so far, hopefully someone can help me out.

Pinnacle Systems DC10Plus - it looks good and the reviews are great, but it dosen't work with Windows2K, so - I'm outta luck.

ATI All-in-wonder 128 PCI (16meg) - it has to be PCI, as it will be my second video card (primary is a GeForce in the AGP slot). It's a bit expensive for the older technology, but I think that the price is made up with all of it's video potential.

What do you all think? Is there something else out there, or should I go with the ATI card?

Thanks for your help!


Oct 18, 1999
You dont need to get a whole video card for video capturing, you can get the ATI TV Wonder VE. This will add a TV tuner as well as video capturing and only costs 40-50 bucks.

go here:


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2000
One more thing, tho. How about output? Can I output from this card back to my VCR for recording? I noticed on the site that the VE only supports VCR-1 (not sure, propritiary ATI thing?), and AVI. I thought that only MPEG-2 can be outputed to the TV.

Any thoughts?


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2000
Any video signal can be output to a T.V. regardless of the format, you just have to have the hardware that will do it. The TV Wonder VE does not have this and I don't think the PCTVpro does either. You basically are going to need a video card that will do tv output (if your current video card will do this, then you're set. if it doesn't, I'd recommend either getting the all in wonder card or getting the tv wonder ve and then picking up a cheap card w/ tv out like a geforce2 mx or a geforce ddr).