Benefits of TI4200 over Radeon 8500 both 128 Meg for Battlefield 1942


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
I was just wondering what the benefits of having a TI4200 card over an ATI Radeon 8500 are specifically for Battlefield 1942...

I recently purchased a TI4200 from the best buy deal for $116 after rebate, however it was the last unit in the store and the box looked like somoene kicked the crap out of was really $160 but there is a $50 rebate and then tax...

However I can buy a Radeon 8500LE 128m from Crucial for under $90 with second day air and I am wondering if this would be a better or worse bet than the TI4200 as the only game that I want it for is Battlefield and also with the Radeon I get an instant savings vs. the couple of months for the TI4200.

Any opinons or a list of pros/cons would be apprecaited.



Golden Member
Aug 15, 2002
Keep the 4200, faster than the 8500, and even though Crucial is very reputable with their ram, you should note that the 8500's they are selling are coming with very crappy ram (eg. 200 speeds), they are supposed to be 250/250 originally for the LE's

Besides the performance of the 8500 is lower than the 4200. Granted they are both decent cards, the 8500 was the ATI competitor for the GF3 series.


Senior member
Jan 14, 2003
The Crucial 8500 has the dubious distinction of being the world's WORST 8500! And it's not even cheap!

You can get a Sapphire 8500 64Mb at AllStarShop for $89 that is clocked at 275/275.....


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Hey all, well I just bumped my memory and now I am playing like I would like to under Winxp...heck I am not even that disappointed with the video in BF using my 32m Radeon DDR and really wonder if the TI4200 is worth keeping as I am happy with it now??

Thanks for the info on the suckness of the crucial card, maybe I will look into that cheap sapphire tech card instead as that might be all I need.

Thanks again.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Just wanted to see if I could get more opinions...will the TI4200 make BF1942 that much better of a game to warrant keeping it or will the Radeon 8500 do fine and look as nice, I really would like to spend as little as possible and hate waiting for rebates which is why I would rather return the TI4200 and get something more budget,

Also are there other cards in the sub $100 range I should look at...this is the only game that I care about (well and maybe the new grand theft auto)...

any other opinions would be apprecaited.



Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2001
Keep the radeon until you upgrade your system.

if you like BF you gotta try the desert combat mod. Happy gaming...


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Sorry those system specs are out of current system is as follows:

Athlon XP1600
768mb PC2100 DDR (512 of it is 2700 DDR)

I am getting the game just for that mod but didn't know if I would notice a huge difference between the 4200TI and some other low cost card, I paid $116 for the TI4200 but have to wait a few months for some of that money due to rebate, didn't know if I could get a Radeon 9000, 8500 or one of those new gforce cards for less and get similar performance.




Feb 1, 2003
My rig contained of an 8500le before (Still 'borrowing' my friend's 9500 pro - hehe!) My 8500le did me great. It was the 128mb version from Hercules and i was able to get it to run stable @ 300/275. My cousin has a rig with the ti4200 (Chaintech I believe,) and we like to do some comparing. We don't run AA or AF in any games so everything is just based on game settings. In Unreal Tournament 2003, We were both able to run the game @ 1280x1024 with all details maxed out, no slow downs or anything. Could not tell a difference between the two, except my image quality was a little better (brighter colors and all.) If you are just going to use the card for Battlefield, the 8500 will do you fine (I'm sure a lot better then the Radeon you have right now.) If you are planning on other games, maybe the 4200 is better to stick with.