Originally posted by: warcrow
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.
Well, apparently part of the issue resides in cost and labor--not tech. Having a texture artists and modelers go in and create these parts for all the insides of the walls and buildings (wires, pipes) in a fasion that matches the detail of the rest of the gaming environment is taxing.
I'm sure there are other logisical issues, but I'm sorta with you and am interested in seeing what the team can do here. I'm glad someone is tackling it.
Also, has anyone else heard that the game isnt looking too hot and that the team is having technical issues? I dont recall what trade event I heard this at or where from.