Battlefield: Bad Company

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.

That was really the only part of Red Faction I found cool, the "geomod" technology... It doesn't look like you can crater the ground though in Bad Company. I wouldnt mind seeing building completely collapse instead of just leaving the studs... still, its pretty awesome looking. I just hope its implemented well.

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Modeps
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.

That was really the only part of Red Faction I found cool, the "geomod" technology... It doesn't look like you can crater the ground though in Bad Company. I wouldnt mind seeing building completely collapse instead of just leaving the studs... still, its pretty awesome looking. I just hope its implemented well.

Adding some physics so that the buildings collapse if certain areas or percentages of them are destroyed would definitely bring an interesting element to the game.

Imagine a multiplayer match where your team causes the shelter of the opposing team to implode. That would be pretty incredible.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Very nice. Fully destructible environments has been a holy grail for gaming. It seems like the house frames are still indestructible though. :laugh: I was expecting to see one of the two story building collapse from having support structures being blown away but it never happened.


Jan 12, 2004
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.

Well, apparently part of the issue resides in cost and labor--not tech. Having a texture artists and modelers go in and create these parts for all the insides of the walls and buildings (wires, pipes) in a fasion that matches the detail of the rest of the gaming environment is taxing.

I'm sure there are other logisical issues, but I'm sorta with you and am interested in seeing what the team can do here. I'm glad someone is tackling it. :)

Also, has anyone else heard that the game isnt looking too hot and that the team is having technical issues? I dont recall what trade event I heard this at or where from.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: warcrow
Also, has anyone else heard that the game isnt looking too hot and that the team is having technical issues? I dont recall what trade event I heard this at or where from.

Heh. The Battlefield games are nothing but giant technical issues. :D


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
I have had the feeling that this game is not gonna be as fun or work as well as that trailer makes it look but if it is I'll be a happy man.


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: warcrow
Also, has anyone else heard that the game isnt looking too hot and that the team is having technical issues? I dont recall what trade event I heard this at or where from.

Heh. The Battlefield games are nothing but giant technical issues. :D

you caused me to El-oh-el!

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
didn't mercenaries let you blow up buildings too?

Yup, but I'm pretty sure it was all or nothing. I don't think you could make holes in buildings, just take them down entirely.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: warcrow
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Yeah, the destructible environments are impressive. Not really sure why this hasn't been attempted more. This was one of the cool things about Red Faction, especially because it was in the multiplayer maps as well. A lot of games have the destruction of objects, walls and pillars (a la the Matrix lobby scene), but that's about it.

Well, apparently part of the issue resides in cost and labor--not tech. Having a texture artists and modelers go in and create these parts for all the insides of the walls and buildings (wires, pipes) in a fasion that matches the detail of the rest of the gaming environment is taxing.

I'm sure there are other logisical issues, but I'm sorta with you and am interested in seeing what the team can do here. I'm glad someone is tackling it. :)

Also, has anyone else heard that the game isnt looking too hot and that the team is having technical issues? I dont recall what trade event I heard this at or where from.

yeah but i'd rather have fully desturctible enviorments rather than ULTRA HQ GFX like crysis, even if it ends up looking like half life 1


Jan 29, 2004
I don't see what the fuss over destructible environments is. Do you people ever actually play the game or do you just get stuck in level 1 shooting at the wall for hours to see how many random marks you can make at one time?


Oct 24, 2000
Originally posted by: exdeath
I don't see what the fuss over destructible environments is. Do you people ever actually play the game or do you just get stuck in level 1 shooting at the wall for hours to see how many random marks you can make at one time?

It helps facilitate more freedom in a game.

Scenerio 1 (no destruction activated):
You walk into town, a dude sees you and runs into a house, going upstairs to snipe you... you can either a) follow him in, up the stairs, and hope to shoot him before he shoots you or b) lob a well placed grenade into the window he's shooting from, hoping it bounces properly to get him.

Scenerio 2 (destruction activated):
You walk into town, a dude sees you and runs into a house, going upstairs to snipe you... you can either a) follow him in, up the stairs, and hope to shoot him before he shoots you or b) lob a well placed grenade into the window he's shooting from, hoping it bounces properly to get him or c) blow up the wall he's poised behind and pepper him with rounds or d) enter the house, blow out the floor underneath him so he falls in front of you, and stick him with a knife or e) find a tank and just blow the building to shreads or f) etc etc.


Jan 29, 2004
In a tactical game I can see the alure. But people seem to want infinite freedom in everything. I can't imagine those same people skip around random chapters or to the end of every DVD they watch.

Too much freedom and you might as well buy a stack of blank paper and a pen instead of reading a novel. To present or experience another's story as intended requires a little rigidity.

I enjoy games like Final Fantasy 2 more than Oblivion. Games that are too open ended and too free become little more than never ending real life simulators and get boring.


May 4, 2001
Pretty awesome. Of course I assume the character would be obliterated by such a huge oil tanker explosion in the final product.

Hopefully, in the next gen of consoles, there will be more of a push on physics and destructible environments....hell even in future games for the current gen, like this game. I'd love to see truly destructible environments, as others have said. Total building collapse, proper shrapnel properties for debris, trees break/explode at the point of impact, not just the base.

This game, if these features are present in the final product (pre-alpha afterall), is definitely a step in the right direction. Material penetration is one of my favorite things about COD4.