basics of OCing


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
i'm trying to get a little more life out of my CPU until my next upgrade.

the only thing i know about overclocking is raising the FSB and making sure you have adequate cooling.

but then there's like voltage and memory overclocking that goes hand in hand with OCing the cpu. is this correct?

i have 1024 mb of pc2700 (cheapo memory most likely). any recommendations for how much i should OC the memory? do i just do something similar to raising the fsb of the cpu in the bios?

and what about cpu voltage? i have xp2600+.

any help would be appreciated (or if anyone can provide a link to a beginner's OCing guide [i couldn't find one in the 5 minutes that i searched for one]).

edit: it's kind of hard to find a specific article when your search contains a word as vague as "overclocking".


Golden Member
Jun 16, 2005
search for oc guide or overclock guide...many many many guides would come out


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2000
A lot depends on your particular motherboard, since some don't have a PCI lock and that will cause problems if you increase the FSB too high.

If you can't find a guide and need more help, post your motherboard, cpu (266 or 333 type?), and bios settings that concern FSB, cpu multiplier, memory speed, memory timings, memory dividers, etc..

But overall, what you'll basically be doing is increasing the fsb by small amounts (5-10mhz at a time if you can), and keep going until the system is no longer stable. You should be able to icrease voltage by about 0.2v without much risk of damaging your processor, but this acutally depends on the particuclar processor you migh have.

Vdimm or memory voltage can also be increased to 2.9v which will usually result in higher memory overclocks. (memory speed also increases with FSB)


Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: gamepad
i'm trying to get a little more life out of my CPU until my next upgrade.

the only thing i know about overclocking is raising the FSB and making sure you have adequate cooling.

but then there's like voltage and memory overclocking that goes hand in hand with OCing the cpu. is this correct?

i have 1024 mb of pc2700 (cheapo memory most likely). any recommendations for how much i should OC the memory? do i just do something similar to raising the fsb of the cpu in the bios?

and what about cpu voltage? i have xp2600+.

any help would be appreciated (or if anyone can provide a link to a beginner's OCing guide [i couldn't find one in the 5 minutes that i searched for one]).

edit: it's kind of hard to find a specific article when your search contains a word as vague as "overclocking".

actually, it's not that hard... try google... anyhow, just a tip if you are changing the FSB, make sure you know how to clear the CMOS on your mainboard before you start.
