BASH/Expect with Cron on CentOS


Apr 29, 2001
Hey all, hoping someone can help resolve my issue. I have a few scripts made with autoexpect (backups for switches) that I'd like to run a few times per week. To further simplify things, I bundled them into a bash script. These all work when run manually, however I'm having no luck with cron.

Example of one that should have run today:
0 0 * * 3 /bin/bash /home/admin/Desktop/ >>/tmp/testlog.log 2>&1

Viewing the log just has the following over and over:
spawn /bin/bash
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

No luck when running them individually either:
0 1 * * 3 /usr/bin/expect -f /home/admin/Desktop/script >>/tmp/testlog.log 2>&1

I initially figured I needed to set the path (although I am using full paths for everything), but still no joy. Obviously I'm missing something, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Anyone have any ideas?