UPDATE ban has been lifted...see here for new posting new rules
This message was posted by the moderator
<< Every thread about free bibles and other religious items turns into a religion bashing flame fest. We really do not want to ban all the rude little children who can't control themselves, so for now, NO MORE DEALS FOR RELIGIOUS ITEMS. We will consider reversing this ruling, later.
If you want to engage in religious free-for-alls, take it to our Off Topic forum. But be warned, if you get too rude to other members, you could still find yourself an unwilling lurker, instead of member in good standing.
AnandTech Moderator >>
Sigh...I really feel that this is unfair to those who are interested in books or merchandise related to religions. This ban was due to thread crapping by people who insisted on writing inappropriate comments relating to the relgion (rather than the deal) in the deals forum (See examples 1, 2, 3)
As a result, all the religious deals have been locked. I feel this is ban is a censorship and I truly hope the moderators will reconsider it. I think a warning to threadcrappers on religious material is more appropriate than an out right ban on all religious deals.
This is not up for discussion, bring it up again, and you will earn a hot deal on a one way ticket out of here.
Watchful Mod
This message was posted by the moderator
<< Every thread about free bibles and other religious items turns into a religion bashing flame fest. We really do not want to ban all the rude little children who can't control themselves, so for now, NO MORE DEALS FOR RELIGIOUS ITEMS. We will consider reversing this ruling, later.
If you want to engage in religious free-for-alls, take it to our Off Topic forum. But be warned, if you get too rude to other members, you could still find yourself an unwilling lurker, instead of member in good standing.
AnandTech Moderator >>
Sigh...I really feel that this is unfair to those who are interested in books or merchandise related to religions. This ban was due to thread crapping by people who insisted on writing inappropriate comments relating to the relgion (rather than the deal) in the deals forum (See examples 1, 2, 3)
As a result, all the religious deals have been locked. I feel this is ban is a censorship and I truly hope the moderators will reconsider it. I think a warning to threadcrappers on religious material is more appropriate than an out right ban on all religious deals.
This is not up for discussion, bring it up again, and you will earn a hot deal on a one way ticket out of here.
Watchful Mod