
Senior member
Nov 13, 2005
windows safe mode wouldnt boot correctly, it'd stall at agp440.sys, so I proceeded to update it with my latest bios.
I downloaded it and updated, and apparently it didnt like it, not sure why.
Right now when I turn the screen on it is black, anyone got any suggestions? lol
I see places that will send me a new bios chip with the latest version, and also places where I send them my chip and they reprogram it for me. Is there anyway for me to fix my issue without doing this?


Senior member
Dec 10, 2003
It depends on the motherboard
you could try also to replace it if it's still under warranty

I never understood paying more for services than the price of a new motherboard

it could be you might have to reset the cmos

Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999
as you are new to forum - a tip for getting better help on a problem would be to give some actual information on whats involved, rather than vague generalities.

Like - WHAT mobo
Like - WHAT exact vid card caused bootup stop in safe mode
Like - WHAT Bios vers. you attempted
Like - HOW you flahsed - In Windows or DOS

As a matter of fact, putting your entire system in a sig is an excellent idea.


Senior member
Nov 13, 2005
Motherboard: MSI NEO2 865PE
VideoCard: Radeon 9600

I flashed windows by booting up in dos, copying over the file from floppy onto hd, and then booting it (followed instructions they gave on site)

I tried updating with this: http://www.msicomputer.com/support/bios...Series%20(MS-6728%20PCBv2)&newsearch=1
version 3.A

one thing I notice now - I built the computer back in about... 2002 or so. The oldest driver they have is 2003, which seems strange.


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2005
I really fvcked up my ASUS MoBo's BIOS a little while ago when I tried overclocking too far. I had to clear the CMOS, and then start-up the PC with the MoBo CD in my CD-drive. My MoBo re-flashed the BIOS from the CD, and things were sweet.

Originally posted by: Bozo Galora
Like - WHAT mobo
Like - WHAT exact vid card caused bootup stop in safe mode
Like - WHAT Bios vers. you attempted
Like - HOW you flahsed - In Windows or DOS


Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999
now see, we can answer your question -

you prob flashed wrong bios - V2 pcb mobo bios to V1 pcb mobo
also, msi numbering system is EXTREMELY confusing - like 856-P or PS, PE edition
865PE is just overall identifier, but there is (quote)
"This BIOS is valid for 865PE Neo2-S/LS/FIS2R"
You will need full name of your board and PCB version stencilled on mobo somewhere.

(from link)
3.0 BIOS cannot be used on 865PE Neo2 (MS-6728) & 865G Neo2 (MS-6728G PCB V1)


and here is V1.0 PCB BIOS:
Please Note: 1.x~2.x BIOS cannot be used on 865G/PE Neo2 P series (MS-6728 PCBv2).

On a 4 yeaqr old mobo, bad (leaking/bulged) mobo filter caps are prob your orig instigator. Perhaps weak 3.0V battery.

MSI should cross ship/send you a new chip for ~$10
make sure you make note of bios string on post screen (at bottom) for reference next time



Senior member
Nov 13, 2005
ya I was trying that before, it used to work and gimme the beeping (when I was still trying the wrong set of bios), not it doesnt even try to boot or lightup my floppy. Anymore suggestions?

Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999
Originally posted by: csmaster2005
ok here's my exact model:
865pe neo2 ms-6728 v1

Now, what exactly should I do?

You call up MSI and tell them you flashed a V2 bios to a V1 motherboard due to their confusing nomenclature and bios update webpages and want a new bios chip sent to you.
You then use something non-metallic (not a screwdriver) so you dont damage traces on mobo, to pry up the chip from each one step at a time to rock it out.

There is such a thing as "blind flash", but I think using an autoexec.bat autoroutine (no monitor) is prob over your knowledge base.

To quote from the web:
I had an issue with BIOS corruption with the AT7 while trying to push the FSB higher than 200. It may have been caused by multiple resets/surge...etc. Anyhow, I was foolish by not installing my BIOS Savior from the get go. I did manage to get the board back up and running though Just to share this info I did this: (must have another system running of course

Downloaded the latest AT7 BIOS and awdflash

Downloaded Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 .

I then put these on a floppy, and edited the autoexec.bat file to:

@echo off
AWDFLASH.EXE AT7_8V.bin /py /sn /cd /cp /cc /r

I stuck the floppy in the AT7 system, crossed my fingers, and hit the switch. WHEW! it worked! The BIOS flashed and was restored. I have my BIOS Savior installed now with a backup just in case.

Obviously, the above would have to be changed to reflect AMI type info.

aaaalso AMI BIOS have a botblock recov routine that allows reflashing a corrupt BIOS

and in all the above - hopefully, bios has been set to boot "A" first

But like I said - just call MSI with EXACT mobo info and be done with it.

Edit: Or you could buy a replacement mobo for ~$50