Backup Software Which is best?


Senior member
May 28, 2001
My program and college is buying a new server with a DLT 40/80GB tape drive. The server will be running Netware 5.1 and will be intergrated with a Windows 2000 Advanced Server and a Unix/Linux server of some type. What is the best tape backupi software for backing up a server?

The two backup programs I know of are CA's ARCserve and Veritas Backup Exec. The school IT Department has ARCserver but the interface is dificult to use and even the IT personal don't really know how to use it when it comes to restoring data from tape.

Students will be taught how to use this software and will be used to backup multiple servers at once including all three of these platforms: Netware, Windows, and Unix/Linux.

Are there anyother backup software programs that have these capablities?