The last program I wrote was a GFX package for use with a ray tracer called Lightwave on my Amiga4000 using a mix of a language called Blitz, machine code, but it was many years ago.
I would really like to learn C++ and to this end picked up an Idiot Guide book to do so. It helps I`m sure, but is so dry and seems to contain nothing but number crunching.
Always when I learned a new language I would start off by putting a dot (pixel) on the screen and build up from there, learning new concepts as and when. I`d love to do this again, but am struggling to find out how to access/create a bitmap or output window upon which to plot.
I`m hopeful that this should be RELATIVELY simple and that a kind soul will see this and either point me in the right direction or show me how.
Thanks, Stoo.
I would really like to learn C++ and to this end picked up an Idiot Guide book to do so. It helps I`m sure, but is so dry and seems to contain nothing but number crunching.
Always when I learned a new language I would start off by putting a dot (pixel) on the screen and build up from there, learning new concepts as and when. I`d love to do this again, but am struggling to find out how to access/create a bitmap or output window upon which to plot.
I`m hopeful that this should be RELATIVELY simple and that a kind soul will see this and either point me in the right direction or show me how.
Thanks, Stoo.