I don't really like the guy. He doesn't really know anything, he just talks to famous developers.
He was the last person associated with B3D that could be considered anything close to impartial. Without him, it is little more then Rage3D with more informed forum posters. The reviews on B3D used to provide very in depth analysis of the capabilities of the chips, now you have to go elsewhere(Digit-Life in particular)- B3D regularly fails to compare to Tom's in terms of factual information provided(in terms of raw data, obviously analysis is something else entirely).
Also, Rev was the only real gamer ever associated with the site. Taking that out another step he was the only person who was greatly interested in
any implementation of 3D technology outside of theoretical. This isn't just of recent, back when Dave Barron and Kristof first combined their sites up until today Rev was the only poster(in terms of B3D employ) that would actually make it a point to show people
why a given technology was so good(for whatever reasons). Dave Barron and Kristof at the very least would be reasonable in their assertions and explain logic behind it, right or wrong in the end, something that has long been lost.
BTW- Check the dates of the posts, this wasn't an April Fools joke.